Enjoy It While It Lasts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I am going to email the administrator and have this forum removed the end of this week or the first of the next one. For those who are interested in general chat, there are other boards here on Greenspun, as well as plenty of boards and chat rooms elsewhere.

(Such as Pil Mil's. Surely you've heard of that one?[g])

I don't have time to administer this place anymore, and of late, "to administer" in this place has come to mean, "clean up after morons." It's not worth the waste of time.

Plus, my focus is changing; on the serious side, I'm going to begin releasing some software packages that I've been working on (in my copious spare time[g]) for several months now.

On the general discussion side, I still want to start looking into all the wacko NWO conspiracies on the Web.

The sad fact is, the *software* for this forum simply isn't suited to either. It's too open to vandalism. (You can't even call them "attacks;" the forum software should NOT permit some of the silly things that have been happening here and at Unk's.)

The discussion board that I started at Bellsouth is temporary; I'll probably move from that after a while, too. I just didn't want to be without SOMETHING available. :)

(Hey, I still occasional emails and posts about my coffee stuff.[g])

At any rate. I'll still visit some of the other forums here and elsewhere, because I enjoy chatting with people.

(When I'm not trying to figure out which drugs Intel was on when they designed the protected mode architecture for the 386, anyway ...[g])

Hasta la vista, doodz. See you elsewhere. If there's anything here that you want to save, try to get it copied by next Monday.

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001


Basically what I'm saying is, I'm tired of being the Sysop. I don't have the time.

I have nothing against discussion itself, of course. :)

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001

What exactly happened? And is all Lusenet going to close?

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

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