Looking at some property in Missouri.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi to all, Got a question (or two) for the Missouri folks out there. DH and I have been looking at some properties (online) in Missouri, and since we are in Indiana and can jump in the truck and visit these places, I was wondering if you all would be kind enough to give us some insight into what it is like in the south central area of the state. Particularly the following counties; Texas, Wright, Douglas, Howell, Ozark counties. This is the area that interests us and would love any info we could get. We are interested in a couple of places, DH is especially interested in one in Plato, MO. Thanks to all who can offer some insight. Kim in Indiana :-D
-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), November 26, 2001
I haven't lived there, but have visited several times. It is a lovely area--thinking about that area myself.
-- Dena (ddew1962@earthlink.net), November 26, 2001.
First what kind of work do you do or do you plan to do if you move to Plato??? Plato in out in the middle of nowhere. Nice community. Douglas county right now as far as jobs is pretty slim. 3 of the 4 factorys have went out of bussiness or moved to somewhere else like Mexico. Cheap labor. Here in Wright county we have 3 towns on Hwy 60 with places to work when you go north to Plato then you have to work at the military base or one of the small towns near by but it will be a drive. Now im not trying to discourage you just want you to know what you may be in for. Now if you are going to farm, Milk cows or Raise beef cattle you can do ok. Cant really raise crops for a living unless you have enough acres to get alot of Hay. For get about raising corn or what ever to hilly. Milk goats would be ok if there was a place to sell it. Not much of a place in these parts, had a freind that tried it. Now for the bright side you cant bet the people and the weather you get it all. Hope I didnt discourage you in coming anyway.
-- dale (dgarr@fidnet.com), November 26, 2001.
Hi Kim, Ditto to the employment crunch, if you're stuck in the mainstream workforce you might have a problem out here. We live in Douglas County, and love it, however in my opinion Ozark county is simply breathtaking! The soil gets a little rockier (if possible) though. This is beautiful country with super people, if you can earn your keep somehow, this is the life to be living!
-- CJ (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), November 27, 2001.
I live in Howell Co. South central Mo is wonderful, tho comming here from calif 8 years ago I am still not use to all the ticks. LOL Anyway there is a few places in Plato that are nice and real cheep. I know of one house with 70 acres for 75,ooo the only problem is there is no where to work out there. It is at the back of Fort Wood Military Base and with all the airplain runs ( I am not sure if they do bombing runs) I think it would get alot of noise. I am not sure of this but when I lived at the back of the base in Calif that was the case. Anyway we get snow in the winter and with the distince you would have to drive to get to work that is why we have not gotten anything out that way. Also Fort Wood works with cemicals and that was not sitting well with Mo people when they first brought is here about 2 or 3 years ago. No problems tho. If you are retired then I would think it would be one of the cheepest places to buy around. Also if you are retired AVA is nice to. Not alot of places to work around there either. Anyway if the price seems to good to be true when looking at Mo adds it useally means no work close by. Good Luck with hunting real estate. Mo is wonderful. The best place I have ever lived. Also here in So C. MO the strorms don't seem as bad as they get all around us. TX OK Ks AK and above Hwy 44 here in Mo the storms always seem worse all around us. Must have somthing to do with these Ozark Mtn we live in.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), November 27, 2001.
Hello Kim, I moved from Orlando, Fl to Ozark Co. almost two years ago. It is definitely cheaper to live here in Ozark Co. Probably the best way to make it here is to be self-employed and have your property paid for.There is very little work. And despite you skills, when there is work, employers usually on pay minimum wage or a little better. If you have health service skills you may find a job at the Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home. Up in Ava, the unemployment rate is over 10 percent due to a couple of factories closing. Gaineville has a couple of sawmills that hire from time to time but, the work is hard and again, they only pay a little more than minimum wage.
Ozark County has no restrictions on the type of building you build. This is a plus for those whom want to build their own house, (like me). This is a negative for those that want to buy a house, as they may no get a house that is built correctly.
The nearest health care facility to us is in Gainesville. It has two doctors who are on call during emergencies. (One doctor suplliments his income with another business venture).
We are pretty much on our own here as for security. The sheriff has one patrol car. His deputies drive their own vehicles. In the two years I have lived here, I have only seen the sheriff in this area once.
The roads are okay, but there are still a lot of dirt roads. They are maintain by the county but, there is only one road grader and in the winter he clears the main roads first. Our dirt roads around here were some of the last ones to be cleared last winter.
Last winter was an exception to the rule, but they tell me that they are usually mild with very little snow. Occasionally, there is a ice storm that could put your power out for a while.
Propane was in high demand last year and my neighbor had to fill his tank up three times at $325.00 a pop. I would recommend heating with wood as it is plentiful, if you own enough land to cut it yourself.
Game is good here but, during hunting season you can expect an occasional misdirected hunter to cross your land, even if you post no trespassing signs. I have has to chase a few off of mine. My neighbor shot an eight pointer just this past buck season. Someone in town shot a fourteen pointer.
Fishing is also good here. Trout in the streams and rivers is plentiful. There are record size bass in the nearby lakes. Our little creek is full of crayfish most of the spring and summer.
The town of Gaineville is the county seat of Ozark County. It has a population of under 700 people. Everyone knows you by your first name. That is good, most of the time. I like to joke about small country towns by saying that it is so small that everyone knows who's checks are good and who's husbands are bad!
I hope this triva has help you a little. If you are interested in visiting the area, just let me know and you are welcomed to come camping here while you check out the area.
Sincerely, Ernest
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), November 27, 2001.
HI Kim, Everything that Ernest said about Ozark Co. is true it really is a nice place to live.On the other hand the most I know about Plato is the land might be nice but the school system is very poor. Sooooo if you have children that fact needs to be factored into the situation. Ozark Co. has 4 school districts and each are very good. Gainesville is an A+ district.
Happy hunting. Sally
-- (mallardhen67@hotmail.com), November 27, 2001.
Kim, We are in the southeast corner of Laclede county, about 6 miles from Plato...as the crow flies :). My daughter goes to the Plato school. That district pulls kids from some of Laclede, Wright, Texas,and I believe some from Pulaski. It is a K-12 school....her whole 8 grade class is about 32 kids, broke up into 2 homeroom classes, so 16 kids in the classrooms!!! She had gone to schools in South Carolina....one of those states that jockey for the last 3 places as far as education goes. So when we moved here she was struggling to catch up. The teachers were great, they really were able to spend time and had the concern to get her caught up. Also, there is a difference in her attitude about learning...it is now cool :), and this year she is making A's & B's and wanting to do even better. People are great in this area, they don't 'butt-in' but are there when you need them....and somehow they seem to know when they are needed :)...small town thing. My brother likes it so well here, that he is moving down this weekend into a rental house on 2 acres to give him time to look around for a permanent place. (He first came down to visit me this past spring) There is more stuff available down here than what shows up on the internet sites, so if you can spend some time in the area to look, you won't have to just 'settle' for something. Lacey
-- Lacey (cddllt@webtv.net), November 29, 2001.
Ernest, i live in florida, and am considering moving my family to Mo. we are not sure what area, but my question for you is this. How hard was it for you to adjust to the living up there, compared to orlando? we live in Ocala. thanks, Kay
-- Kay (kayhrtbrkr@yahoo.com), April 12, 2002.