printing SX 70 onto : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I really love the painterly effects I am able to achieve using SX-70 film. I've even enlarged them into photographs. Now I'd like to be able to transfer the images onto a canvas so I can create paintings. Any ideas? Thanks. MJ
-- Mary-Jo Rusu (, November 25, 2001
If you already enlarged your painterly SX-70's to photographs, why not just substitute "printer friendly ink-jet canvas" in lieu of the photo paper you (or your service bureau) are printing on now?I have printed on both Epson's Watercolor paper & texturized canvas finishes using my Epson printer. Personally, I liked the Epson Watercolor paper finish the BEST because my SX-70 images do look more "painterly" again, the canvas looked nice too. Perhaps you can try each one by purchasing a small 81/2x11 packs of each.
Best of luck,
-- Elena Spice (, November 28, 2001.
Elena thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I have used the "printer friendly ink-jet canvas and found the colours started fading right away. I have not used the "watercolour" version. I look forward to giving it a try. What I would like to do is transfer an enlarged version of the original print onto a canvas or other fabric and then use pastels or paint on it. Any other ideas??? Also, can anyone suggest courses or workshops on Polaroid printing and photographic techniques. Perhaps in Michigan or Toronto? Thanks again. Mary-Jo
-- Mary-Jo Rusu (, November 29, 2001.
...isnt there some "special" paper made for tranfering an image printed by you injet paper onto t-shirts with an iron or something? worth investigating. B
-- Brian Matthiesen (, December 13, 2001.
yes, there is, but as an alternative i would recommend trying a wet- release paper made by a company called Lazertran..the image can then be photocopied onto the paper (in a laser copier only) and literally applied to any surface, i.e. canvas. i have done this with a variety of photographs i have enlarged and am about to try it with my transfers as well. the effect is very painterly, with real texture that may then be painted if you like. hope this helps...
-- cary oliva (, July 11, 2002.