The Ultimate Leica Stocking-Stuffer: Microscopes! : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Enter: Leica-Microsystems on your search bar. This will take you to a Leica world that appears larger than their camera division.

-- Frank Horn (, November 25, 2001


Too late,

Already got one. With the stepped motorized stage that allows for time-lapse photography on sectors of specimens. The only weak link in the chain is the Mac G4 imaging station that came with the Hammatsu Peltier cooled camera. What a disgrace... to package that camera with a "bare bones" G4. Yeesh, capturing 1 image slows the thing down to hell so how do they expect you to do real time movies?

-- John Chan (, November 26, 2001.

High Gents, already used one. Being in the semiconductors industry, it is enevitabel to use a LMS 200 inspection system from Leica. The better ones have Deep UV optics to see 0.2 µm structures (About 2500 lines/mm). But the Zeiss Axiovis is on par.

Greetings Ralph

-- Ralph Busskamp (, November 26, 2001.

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