Blacksmithing : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Any Blacksmiths out there? Looking to share info and ideas? Swap tools etc. I'm just starting out and would like to learn more.

-- Gene Douthit (, November 25, 2001


While this is a great forum, you might want to check out as well. They have a great site that is packed with info for the beginner.

-- clovis (, November 25, 2001.


Have you planted a Chestnut Tree next to the place you are putting your forge.

"Under the spreding chestnut tree the village smithy stands......"

well it takes two to get chestnuts. :)

-- westbrook (, November 26, 2001.

I am a hobby blacksmith. Have a fairly simply smithy set up out in the workshop.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, November 27, 2001.

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