Winter's here and some preachin : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Well-I mosey'd on outside awhile ago. Left ole Calvin in the house to keep Lil Dumplin company--er---well, actually-ole Calvin refused to go outside because it's COLD out there. Even I didn't stay very long. While outside I did survey my situation and decided it WAS too cold to do much. The leaves really orta be raked up and saved for the garden or-----mulched with the Troy Bilt mower---or---let the winds of winter carry'm off somewhere else outta my yard. After ponderin this very important decision for about a minute---I just decided to let those fierce north winds of winter take care of that little task for me. I'll just set inside when it's this cold and watch'm fly across the yard onto the neighbors pasture across the little gravel road, in front of our house. With that very important decision already made---I've now come inside the house to keep ole Calvin company. Well--I guess I'll keep LIl Dumplin company too until she asks me "Hey, don't ya'll have something to do outside"!!

Fix'n to go to town for the dreaded grocery shoppin that I'd just as soon forget. I don't like crowds or traffic or spending money. I love people but just don't wanna be around'm any more than I have too. Sometimes they can be so ignorant! Now---we ALL know that I'm not ignornant or stubborn, don't we? Yeah, right!

I get to think'n about my lot in life every day. I still can't understand why Almighty God chose such an old hillbilly like me to do His work. It isn't very long until I remember the Scripture where He choosed the ignornant to confuse the wise! It's at that point I know I'm where He wants me to be. If He can use me in His work, in all my not so radiant glory, then He surely must know what He's doin! I don't believe there was ever any doubt about that tho!

Tomorrow is "Turk Day" around these parts too. Much to be thankful for! Thank you Lord Jesus for ALL the Blessings of this life. Old hoot, the redeemed, gibson. Matt. 24:44

-- hoot gibson (, November 21, 2001

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