Does anyone Know when the new Zelda game for GC comes out? : LUSENET : Legend of Zelda : One Thread |
The new Zelda game, a cartoony-looking link, and a whole new adventure await. Memo to self: buy a gamecube. Now.
-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 20, 2001
I just got one. First day out! Luigi's Mansion is really easy! I dont even have a memory card but I think I can beat it without saving anything.And I think Zelda is coming out next year around mid summer.
-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 21, 2001.
Allright! Cool. Thanks for the info, Mr. Tator...wait... you wouldn't happen to be Dick Tator, KC's friend, would you?
-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 21, 2001.
The one and only! KC lurks now. I dont know what brought this on.
-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 22, 2001.
KC/Net Lurker? He had a big fight with Lejes, and said he was leaving "all Things Final Fantasy" forever... but he'll be back.
-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 22, 2001.
But KC has also quit Zirah and Anarchy forum.
-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 22, 2001.
KC QUIT ZIRAH???? Hmm.... wonder why? Anyway Net Lurker posts in every now and then...
-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 22, 2001.
He goes by ?????????? and by Net Lurker. And he says I have multiple personalities because I took the 'Dick' out of my name.
-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 22, 2001.
lol :-) yeah its comming out early spring in america.
-- Rensokuken of hell (, November 24, 2001.