Readers near Mondovi, WI : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My husband and I are relatively new to country living. We live between Eau Claire and Mondovi WI and were wondering if there were others in our general area that we could learn from. We have a huge garden and do a lot of canning. We are planning to get chickens in the spring and are hoping to put up an outbuilding. We are interested in alternative energy as a possible way to provide lighting to our outbuilding. If you have similar interests and would like to converse, please let us know. Julie

-- Julie Maro (, November 20, 2001


We live near Menomonie, and have PV and a wind generator for some of our power, also have a sun room that serves as a greenhouse and sometimes adds some heat to the house. We heat our old farmhouse with a wood furnace. As far as alternative energy is concerned I recommend "Home Power" magazine at, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair near Amherst Wisconsin in June.


-- Jim (, December 06, 2001.

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