Speed Queen Wringer Washergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have an old Speed Queen Wringer Washer FW2183W. It works, except for two minor things. I have to unplug to turn off. How can I fix this?? And there is a clip missing that holds roller on. I have been told it is tempered steel. What can I use to emprovise?? I have used Paper clips, clothes pin springs, wire. Is there any0one out there can help me?? Lady In Distress!!!!!!!!
-- Barbara Moreau (jerseymaid@nwinet.com), November 20, 2001
Although it mostly all relates to Maytag Wringer Washers, a wringer washer by any name works along the same lines so here is a site that lists parts, and washers for sale. I found my Maytag Wringer Washer through this site. You will see a listing there near the top by Marvin McCullough. Marvin runs this site and has parts for everything and am sure he will be happy to help you with some suggestions. Another related site is listed below that with sites and helps.http://oppcatv.com/public/marvin/ads.htm
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), November 20, 2001.
Have your tried the local handyman/repairman, washer repair store or even maybe Sears might make a house call for you since they now repair all makes and models of appliances. They might be able to rig something up that would work just fine or call or write to the company its self. I believe I have a manual "somewhere" in my filing system on my Speed Queen also. If you can't find any help on your end maybe my manual would help you out with some imformation. But I really think you might be able to find someone to get it to hold together for you !! Good Luck !!!
-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), November 20, 2001.
I think you're carrying the earthmother bit to extremes. why don't you cave in and spend a hundred bucks on a used maytag. ringer washers are a pain and eat up time that could be spent doing something useful. of course you could always go the full extreme and go to a tub and wash board.
-- Ed (smikula@bellsouth.com), November 20, 2001.
Ed, I don't use a wringer washer but I do know that many women use them to wash their clothes in a frugal and efficient way. Some people take pride in their tools, others in washers. Se La Vie! Personally, I remember my mother's arthritis while fighting the wringer washer and the cold water hurting her hands esp. on cold days.Many people on this forum are living within their means which translates to using everything they have access to and using their money in, well, frugal and efficient ways. My husband's grandmother who struggled through the depression would never have replaced a washer such as this just because of a few problems.
You go girl! I'd like to hear your reason, though Barb to see if I've come close to your love of wringer washers. Good luck on coming up with solutions!
-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), November 20, 2001.
Not an answer to the original question, but I wanted to comment on the time comment. I can wash my clothes much faster in a wringer washer than waitng on an automatic.With 4 kids, I have a lot of laundry. If I fill my wringer and let each load wash for 10-15 minutes, some even less, I can do the equivalent of four loads, hanging each load on the lines while the next one is washing, while my automatic washes one load. I usually throw my white clothes in the automatic while I do the colored clothes in the wringer. So in one hour I can do a LOT of laundry. If I use the automatic exclusively it would take most of the day, waiting for them to get done and hanging them out. It might take a little more hands on time, but it is enjoyable work!!!
-- Melissa (cmnorris@1st.net), November 20, 2001.
Melissa--I'd imagine the wringer uses less water and electricity, right? And more elbow grease:)
-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), November 20, 2001.
Ed. You also use lots less water when using a wringer washer. I would love to have mine back, if I didn't have my back problems.
-- ruby (mcfays451@aol.com), November 20, 2001.
WAY less water and soap used in a wringer. Also far less electricity and time.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), November 20, 2001.
My mother got me a double tub Dexter this spring, and I LOVE IT! Earth mother or not, you use a lot less water, detergent, etc. and can direct the water where you want it, for use on trees, etc. I can be washing one load, rinsing the other, and hanging out the first load at the same time. Can't do that with my automatic! True, it is going to be COLD in the winter, but I'll resolve that. Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), November 20, 2001.
I am not familiar with speed queen, however there is no on/off switch on my Maytag, a 1960's model. Unplugging it is the only way to turn the motor off.
-- Joyce Dingman (FriendsPatterns@juno.com), November 20, 2001.
Oddly I have never seen a wringer washer with an on/off switch. Sure no biggy to buy (around $3 new) or salvage a metal toggle switch and splice it into your motor cord. Have to drill a 1/2 inch hole somewhere in sheetmetal to put the switch. Switch fits through hole and little plate fits over the switch and a thin nut holds switch in place.Hard to guess what would work to replace missing clip without seeing at least a picture of what exactly it needs to do. I have an old 1935 Maytag so am sure your speedqueen is different.
To those who dont like wringer washers, each to their own. They are very frugal with water (maybe more so than that $1000 Maytag Neptune frontloader) and I went out of my way to go get my Maytag over buying a cheaper used automatic. Unlike some, I would have had no problem buying a SpeedQueen or other brand if one was available and price was right. Price and availability being equal, I'd just as soon have a Maytag though. Being forgetful, I put mine on plugin type timer for wash cycle. Then when I think of it, I go wring washed clothes and start next load. After I wash all clothes using same water if clean enough to reuse (wash least soiled clothes first), then I go back with fresh water and rinse all them, wring them again and hang on the line. Really not that big of a deal.
-- HermitJohn (Hermit@hilltop_homestead.zzn.com), November 20, 2001.
I loved my Wringer Washer, it got all my dirty boys clothes so very clean. We had to conserve water as all we had was a cistern, and it was so good for that too. Mine never had an off and on switch either. You can still buy working ones here in Kansas and old non working ones for parts.
-- Karen in Kansas (kansasgoats@iwon.com), November 20, 2001.
Hi ...again !! My wringer, a speed queen, does have an on and off switch/handle on the front of it. I was told once that an automatic uses 40 gallons of water for each load of laundry !! Wow!! That's a lot of water. In a wringer you can do a couple of loads of laundry with the same wash water...now wait you guys...this is the reason. First you can wash say...towels...then wring them into the rinse water...then say you can wash...bluejeans...because how dirty are towels...then after the bluejeans you can toss in your little scatter rugs or the dogs blanket. The water you save is great and I really think that your laundry comes out cleaner than an automatic. Just a small way that we can help save "Mother Earth " !!!
-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), November 21, 2001.
Ah I see. Time is not a problem for me I don't do wash day but do loads everyday every couple of days. Usually the washer spends and hour or two waiting for me to get back to it. I can see using a ringer if you are living in the desert or in an area of severe water shortage, but washing clothes is one of the jobs that an automatic does better. By the way my maytag is over 30years old. I guess it's how you live and how you choose to order your life. But for the most part I'd rather be pullin weeds than do laundry.
-- Ed (smikula@bellsouth.net), November 23, 2001.
Hi! I like to use my wringer washer for washing extra dirty work clothes and rugs, slip covers, etc. Besides, having a cistern and small septic system, one does not always have the luxury of using 40 to 60 gallons of fresh water for each load of clothes.
-- Dave Morris (pipfoot32@aol.com), February 18, 2002.