M frameline adjustment

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


On my M2 (when either changing lenses or using the preview leaver) the 90 and 50 framelines come up perfectly, but the 35mm doesn't quite make it and appears as a mixture of the 50 and 35. I guess that the actuating mechanism is not moving far enough.

Is there anything I can adjust or do I have leave this to the professionals?


-- Jeremy Lewis (jeremyb.lewis@gbr.xerox.com), November 15, 2001


The 35mm frameline set is the neutral position of the actuating mechanism. It is the set that is up when no lens is mounted. The lens bayonet ear which works the frameline mechanism works against spring pressure. So your spring is weak/broken, the mechanism is sticking or the adjustments in the finder itself have been knocked out of proper alignment. The most common cause is the mechanism being sticky from separated lubricants. So take off the lens and look through the finder. If the 35/50 frames are still mixed up, try gently moving the frame preview lever to the left. If that does not work, then move the preview lever all the way to the right (90 position) and let it snap back. Still mixed up, then it is CLA time.

If the either of the above worked try this: with the lens off, watch your favourite half hour TV show, and flicking the preview lever over and over, allowing it to snap back with spring pressure. This may help. Otherwise it is CLA time.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 16, 2001.

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