5 acres/ house in Idahogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a 5-acre hobby farm in Eastern Idaho. I've done organic gardening and been moving toward complete self-sufficiency. I now have to sell it, because of severe health problems. Mainstream real estate agents don't seem too interested in the property's potential and I was hoping to get some ideas about where I could advertise this better. I'd love to see my dream continued with someone else who feels the same. Any ideas? Thanks for your time!pescados2@yahoo.com
-- Emly Taylor (pescados2@yahoo.com), November 15, 2001
It's weird to hear of an agent that WON'T list a property. Usually they just try to get a bigger commission. Maybe you'll have to go FSBO, but that is not the worst thing in the world.You might want to read a book called, I think "How to sell your home in 5 days" (check the reviews on Amazon). It has to do with basically holding an open house and then soliciting bids and taking the highest. Not for everyone. It is not a large book, so you might want to take a gander at it at a local bookstore as well. My quibble with it is that it probably works great in areas where you have no seller disclosure statements, but would be more difficult to use in areas that do.
There is always the "send $1000 and write the best essay contest" if it is legal in Idaho. You wait until you get enough contestants (or more than enough) to meet your price, then judge the essays and the winner gets the property. If you don't meet your price after a certain amount of time, you return the monies collected.
What about listing it on the internet, or locally on church bulletin boards, and other public places? A lot of times just putting up a FSBO sign will get you calls from all sorts of agents who just "happened to be passing by".
Good Luck!
-- GT (nospam@nospam.com), November 15, 2001.