CD-R in Panasonic RV40 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I recently ordered a bunch of CD-R VCDs from a fansub distributor to play on my PC, as my DVD player is not CD-R compatible.

When i got them I though I'd give them ago in my player anyway, and what do you know they work perfectly. They're Princo 74 24X, so I rushed out and brought a box.

Here's the problem, copies I make don't work. Even when I do a 1:1 copy of the 'original' working disc.

I was a little puzzled, so I contacted the distributor, and he said all his discs were made using a SCSI duplicator not an IDE drive. Maybe if I try using SCSi burner thins will work okay.

Has anyone else ever come across something similar? The CD-R media is identical, but different drives, SCSi vs IDE produce different results.

-- Julien Wicks (, November 15, 2001


I have seen this before. And it's common that DVD players play commercial VCDs but won't read burned-copies.I think even if you burn by a SCSI-burner, it won't help. The commercial VCDs are made by a special process(something like pressed???). But one thing you can try is that you can try different brands of cdrs, some might play in your player.

-- Jamst (, November 15, 2001.

Sorry if there's any confusion. What I'm saying is that the VCDs I got are CD-Rs, copies burnt onto Princo 74 24X. They work fine, but when I try to burn onto the same media they don't work in the player.

-- Julien Wicks (, November 15, 2001.

Julien, I have been having the exact same problem, I am near to pulling out my hair. I have done the same as you, copied an original VCD to CD-R, plays great on computer, but not at all on DVD player. Oh, yes, my DVD plays Video Discs.. I thought about trying other media, so that is the next step I think.. Please if you have any sucess let me know and I will do the same.. Good luck, Paul...

-- Paul Delaney (, November 16, 2001.

Explain how you copied. Is that through a cd copier or copying files only ?

-- sams (, November 18, 2001.

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