Thanks (for forum monitoring) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ken, Thanks. And I think you're doing a great job too. Iris
-- Iris (, November 15, 2001
I'll second that, Ken. I had the misfortune to happen into a couple of those "threads" before they were deleted, so I have all the more reason to appreciate your efforts. Here's to ya!
-- Laura Jensen (, November 15, 2001.
I also would like to thank Ken. I have searched for a long time for a forum like this and was very happy to find this one. I have learned so much in the short amount of time that i've been visiting. I love Countryside magazine and i love this forum. it amazes me how much info i can get here without having to jump all over the place.Now that i've found you all i hope that i don't lose you.
-- george (, November 15, 2001.
This forum is a great one, and it's format is just fine the way it is. I appreciate being able to read the serious and not so serious, being able to judge for myself which is which! I read other forums which have started out with this type of "open" posting, (in other words, anyone can post) and then switched, requesting that people register a valid email before posting. In every forum the results were the same... less people posting, less interesting format, less valuable information! Of course, there IS also less nonsense, but that doesn't make up for the lack of variety in questions/answers!!Keep up the good work!
-- Mary (, November 15, 2001.
Ken, Thanks for the great work you do for the forum. Without it, touse of us who use the forum would lose a wonderful asset. Where else can you find such a combination of information and shared thoughts on homesteading, as well as such a nice sense of community. Thanks again.
-- Murray in ME (, November 15, 2001.
Thanks for all the hard work Ken. I live in a 6’wide by 6’ long by 8’ high box for 12 hours a day and it’s nice to be able to escape and talk to some people who live a simple country life. Something I only experience on vacation when I escape to the farm.
-- ww (, November 15, 2001.
Oh my! Let me make it perfectly clear that I was NOT AT ALL criticizing Ken in my "Come on, Ken!" post. He does a fantastic job. I wondered if he was aware of the garbage that had suddenly shown up today, is all. In trying to ignore the trolls, I am developing a new appreciation for the difficulty my kids have when I tell them to ignore each other!
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, November 15, 2001.
What did I miss??? Something about manure?? Dang, knew I should have checked in at work.
-- Susan (, November 15, 2001.
Ken, you are doing a great job, and it is truly appreciated here. Thank you so much!
-- Cheryl in KS (, November 15, 2001.
i missed all the threads being talked about but a big thanks (((Ken)))) for the forum, and the hard work you do for us to enjoy ourselves... :)
-- Lynnda (, November 16, 2001.