Looking for fixer-upper in NYgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for a fixer-upper in New York with owner financing. It must have some land with it for pasture. Need a house on property to start with, condition not too important as long as we can fix it up. We want to relocate back to the northeast. Miss the area!! My husband is disabled now and we can't afford anything expensive. I have my youngest son who wants to move back too. He's in college so we need a college within driving distance. Driving 94 miles one way now twice a week. We lost our oldest son here so there are too many memories associated with living here. We don't own anything here. If you know of something PLEASE E-mail me!!! Thank you!!!
-- PJC (zpjc5_@hotmail.com), November 15, 2001
What part of NY are you interested in?
-- Cindy in NY (cjpopeck@worldnet.att.net), November 15, 2001.
We live in Upstate NY. What area are you looking into and what price range are you interested in? Mountain Ashe Acres. We have a lot of properties around us. Our e-mail is MTASHEACRES@AOL.COM Gary and Pris
-- Gary ane Pris (mtasheacres@AOL.COM), November 15, 2001.
Try www.timesunion.com and click on Homeport. This covers properties in several counties surrounding Albany, NY. Some of the local colleges include Skidmore, State University of NY at Albany, Union, College of St Rose, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Russell Sage, Albany Law School, etc.In counties west of Albany, like Montgomery or Schoharie, you might find a place in decent condition at a bargain price. Good luck!
-- bluetick (coonhound@mindspring.com), November 15, 2001.