Utah Land for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone! I have 40 acres for sale in Southwest Utah, 50 miles north of Saint George and 35 miles east of Cedar City, in the Escalente Valley. It is very flat farm land, but with beautiful Utah mountains surrounding this valley, only ten minutes away.It has Phone and Power lines on the property and comes with 2 acre feet of water. It is surrounded by large hay and grain farms. No neighbors nearby! It is raw land, but can easily be made into a perfect homestead. Asking price is 42,500.00 obo . It is a spectacular area!
-- Gregory L. Wible (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 14, 2001
It would be great land for horses and livestock. A 1200 pop. city is within 15 miles, and the many lakes close by are some of the best in the West.
-- Greg Wible (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 14, 2001.
Is this near Beryl? Or Enterprise?
-- (lynne@nowhere.com), November 14, 2001.
How close is it to Panguitch?? I wish we could afford to make the leap right now..its pretty much exactly what we are looking for!!!!!!
-- Jenny (auntjenny6@aol.com), November 14, 2001.
Is this land close to a saloon ?
-- C.A. Cagney (Puttingood@carolina.rr.com), November 15, 2001.
It's between the two on the county road.
-- Greg (Providencefarms2001@yahoo.com), November 15, 2001.
I guess you meant 35 miles west, not east, of Cedar City.
-- Audie (paxtours@alaska.net), November 15, 2001.