Knitted jumbo mitten pattern for a alternative christmas sock : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

i am looking for a pattern to knit a large( about18" by 18") mitten that can be used for a christmas sock. I have made them for my children and now want to make for grandchildren and we can't find the pattern. Please help. thanks

-- Roberta Schlichting (, November 12, 2001


I've never seen a pattern for one that large, but you could easily adapt a baby hat pattern (most of those are 18-19" around) so you know how many stitches to start with and then you just have to decide what kind of yarn to use and what type of thumb to make.

-- GT (, November 13, 2001.

Also you could adapt a Christmas sock pattern for size (and a better indicator of how much yarn you'll need). You mean the grandchildren aren't yet wise to the fact that a sock will hold more goodies? LOL

-- GT (, November 13, 2001.

Mary Maxim has a pattern in their catalog. You can check their website also.

-- Betsy Rheaume (, December 23, 2001.

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