39mm aftermarket metal shade

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm looking for a 39mm metal aftermarket lens shade. I can find 49mm, 52mm etc but not having much luck with 39mm.

Anyone know of a source for generic 39mm metal lens shades?

I have a couple of Leitz shades but I'm looking for an aftermarket one.

Thanks mucho!

-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@lsqgroup.com), November 12, 2001


I have seen a rubber one made by B+W in the B&H catalog for $15.50. That's the only 39mm aftermarket hood I have ever seen.

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), November 12, 2001.


I was aware of B&W's rubber shade; it's out of stock at B&H.


-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@lsqgroup.com), November 12, 2001.

Don't know of an after market 39mm shade. However, I recently bought a replacement metal 39mm shade for the current 50/2.8 Elmar, and I'm using it on a current model 50mm Summicron. It works great, I don't feel the need for a protective filter. Downside? $46 for the thing at B&H!

-- Dan Brown (brpatent@swbell.net), November 12, 2001.

One final thought, consider a 39mm to something step-up ring and a slightly larger diameter metal hood. I'm sure B&H would have somethin along those lines.

-- Dan Brown (brpatent@swbell.net), November 12, 2001.

Try this place:



-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 12, 2001.

I just remembered that Heliopan had a good selection of small diamtere metal hoods. Here is the URL that list a 39mm metal one. http://www.heliopan.com/hoods.htm

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), November 12, 2001.

Here's another place that has a couple of Helipan 39mm "long" hoods in stock and is closing them out. http://www.camera-collectors.com/ShopSite/Heliopan.html

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), November 12, 2001.

Stephen Gandy has new 30$ metal shades.

-- Niels H. S. Nielsen (nhsn@ruc.dk), November 12, 2001.

Anybody looking for hard to find bits like lens shades (original) should get a Leica Historical Society of America (LHSA) catalogue. It comes out quarterly and has much more hard to find stuff than e-Bay.

-- Steve LeHuray (icommag@toad.net), November 12, 2001.


Can't really answer your question about alternative shades, but used Leica shades are out there. As a matter of fact, I have a vented 50 shade and a 90/135 shade for sale. Let me know if you are interested.



-- Todd V. Phillips (toddvphillips@webtv.net), November 12, 2001.

Those metal 39mm shades cost only a few dollars in Japan. I don't like them (especially the ones with the silver outer surface) because they intrude into the M viewfinder more than the Leica designed square ones intended for the appropriate lenses.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), November 12, 2001.


Do you have a source for those 39mm metal shades in Japa? I plan to modify the shades. Thanks!

-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@lsqgroup.com), November 13, 2001.

Unfortunately, Japanese mail order overseas simply does not happen. But any camera shop in Ginza (Lemon camera, Shimuzu) or even Yodobashi in Shinjuku have them hanging on the racks along with the cable releases, cleaning cloths, timers and assorted bric-a-brac.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), November 13, 2001.


Thanks for the tip on Camera Collectors. Ordered a Heliopan 39mm Tall Shade and it is PERFECT for my 90mm Elmar. Much better than the Leitz shade as it doesn't block the Viewfinder of my IIIg.


-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@mindspring.com), November 17, 2001.

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