what does T.Bake mean on our oven?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We just moved into a home and the Montgomery stove was in the home. What I am wanting to know is on the dial for the oven, it has T.Bake. Could you e-mail me and let me know what this means.. They did not have any books for this oven. The owners of the home stated that it was in here when they bought it themselves... Now that we are buying it. I would like a little more info on the electric,self cleaning range..Thanks so much for your help...

-- rebecca lynn shadduck (bsahdduck2003@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001


Timed, would be my guess. My old Okeef and Merit had this, you could put something in the oven in the morning, set the dial on Time, it would come on at that time, cook at the preset temp, and turn off, kind of like the bread machines or coffee pots do now. I would imagine this stove is old, because no new appliances would be like this. Imagine a chicken dinner sitting in a cold oven all day for it to start cooking 4 hours later! Can you spell botulisim? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), November 11, 2001.

I love my time bake feature. There should be two separate clocks on the oven - one to start, one to stop. You put meat or chicken in while still partially frozen to prevent botulism. Add 15-30 minutes if you're not sure it will've thawed by the time the oven comes on. Think of the bread (if you don't have a bread machine). As you can guess, this was developed about the same time crockpots were. I rarely put stuff in at the beginning of the day anymore, but sometimes in mid afternoon and time it to start at 4 30 and end at 545.

-- Mitzi Giles (Egiles2@prodigy.net), November 11, 2001.

I had the same oven,, tried emailing, but it came back

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), November 11, 2001.

I love the time/bake feature. I use it a lot in the winter for baked potatoes for an early morning breakfast--YUM!

-- Jim Deweese (jedeweese@earthlink.net), November 11, 2001.

I had a timed-bake feature on an oven I used to have, but I didn't know it at first. I accidently turned it on (without the timer on) while cleaning it one day & thought the oven was broken because it wouldn't turn on. After a couple of months of not baking I finally read the manual. Better late than never!

-- Bonnie (stichart@plix.com), November 11, 2001.

Better make sure that it still works before trusting din-din to it!

-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), November 11, 2001.

I have an Amana that is about 16-18 years old with time bake, and it drives me nuts! Of course, it's been discontinued so no manuals available, but if I bump the clocks while cleaning, the oven won't work, then if I get the oven to work, the timer buzzez. Next time I get a stove, I get a dummy model with nothing fancy. But it'll probably last 20 more years!

-- carol (chamberscarol@hotmail.com), November 14, 2001.

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