Update on $75 llama.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Everyone,Well I decided I deserved to buy myself the llama for my birthday on the 9th. My husband and I took the pickup with the livestock rack in the back to pick her up. I was worried she wouldn't get in. We had hardly no trouble getting a halter on her. Considering she had not had one on since she was 6 months. She is 1 1/2 and seems to be in excellent health. I was not trying to get my hopes up. For $75 I was expecting an ugly llama that was close to death. Or one you could not even get close to and spit all over me. Boy was I wrong. She is the sweetest thing. She is a lite brown with a little gray and gray head. She allowed me to go up to her and pet her. We led her up on a compost pile and she walked right into the back of the pick up. We had a couple of stops to make and quite a long drive. She just sat there the whole time as curious as can be. We got quite a few strange looks taking a llama on the freeway in the back of a truck. Most people enjoyed it. Like they had never seen a llama before. If I have made a mistake buying her. I will learn.
-- Toni in Utah (tmevans66@hotmail.com), November 10, 2001
Congrats on your new LLamaa. I have had mine for about 3 years now and he is absolutely WONDERFUL! He loves his little gaoties in his herd and ALWAYS rushes to the little crying one to figure out whay, and always investigates a new face (or rear...depending which he checks) to see if the "intruder" has my seal of approval on them. I would love to have about 3 more, but alas.......I have not founf $75 llamas in my area! ;) (enjoy!)
-- Susan (baaamaid@goatweb.com), November 11, 2001.
So glad that your birthday Llama was what you wanted it to be. You will have to keep us updated on what you name her! Happy Birthday!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), November 11, 2001.
A number of people around us transport their llams in the back of full size vans. Just open the side door and the llama's will climb in. Kind of funny seeing this llama head peaking out the side window.
-- gary (gws@redbird.net), November 11, 2001.
Toni, what a find! Don't know much about llamas, but would like to have one as a guard animal for the goats. Here they run about 500.00 each, and up. Occasionally you see one advertised for $275, but not often. I'm never in Utah at the right time! Enjoy the new critter, and keep us updated on how it goes! Jan in CO
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), November 11, 2001.
Holy smokes! $75 is an awesoime deal. I was going to get one last spring on a payment plan. A big brown and rather snooty gelding for $1000 (the breeders lowest price). i backed out because I really didn't want one enought to pay that much and he wasn't terribly friendly toward me. Good for you, Toni, and happy birthday!
-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), November 11, 2001.
Congratulations, you got a wonderful deal. About 4 years ago someone gave me two llamas(males) with books and halters and all. They just wanted a good home for them.But a female for $75 what a deal!
-- Terry Lipe (elipe@fidnet.com), November 11, 2001.
What are you going to use the llama for?
-- Jim Culpepper (jim07960@hotmail.com), November 13, 2001.