Want 1-10 Ohio Acres for under 3,000$greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
i have seen land in ohio (mostly southern) for 300to500$ an acre, but it is always a few more acres than i can afford. if anyone knows of or has 1-10 acres for less than 3,000$, i would be very interested in the information. anywhere in ohio is of interest, but especially morgan or athens counties. thanks much, i really enjoy and learn from this forum, lance
-- lance from ohio (jl1sinkowski@hotmail.com), November 10, 2001
Lance, do you realize that you are asking for property at less than $1.46 per square foot? Ohio might be that cheap, if it is then I will be there tomorrow bidding aganist you. What you are seeking is unrealistic and is about 40 years too late.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), November 10, 2001.
In that small a plot of land, figure your going to spend $1000-$3000/acre for land thats worth anything.
-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), November 10, 2001.
? 1 acre = 43,000 sq ft x 1.46 = $62,780.00
-- paul (primrose@centex.net), November 10, 2001.
Maybe my calculator was turned on backwards, or the formula was wrong. The request was for up to 10 acres at 43560 sq. ft. per acre equalling 435600 sq. ft. total, for the sum of $3000.00; what answer do you get? Also maybe the writer meant up to $3000.00 per acre, I do not know.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), November 11, 2001.
Hello Lance,Sorry you are about 20 years late on your request. The numbers that you mention $300-$500 MIGHT have applied to larger tracts of land (80 acres and up) in recent years, in a limited number of situations.
You mention Morgan county which still has a limited amount of low priced land, and I would suggest that your numbers are too low even for that county.
Then you mention Athens county (Ha, Ha, snicker). Athens county home of Ohio University. One to ten acre tracts at $2,500 to about $6,000 per acre.
I am a Real Estate Broker in Vinton county which is the next county west of Athens county. Notoriously Vinton county is the poorest county in Ohio. $1,000 per acre on tracts of land that are 40 acres or more is a common "LOW BALL" price here in my county.
Recently I received an offer on a tract of land that is 130 acres. This land has had most of the timber cut off of it about 30 years ago, some of it has been strip mined. The returning timber has had no management or planning so it is of low quality and value (pitch pine, maple, poplar and so on). The property is on a gravel road, where public utilities like water and sewer are not available. 400 feet straight down to water. This land is fairly rough as to the terrain. It is in western Vinton county.
The offer was $138,000 ALL CASH. From a large corporation in Chillicothe Ohio. The seller Countered at $200,000 (they paid $4,000 in the late '50). The 138K is even too high for the subdividers who are getting $2,000 to $5,000 per acre, for tracts of 5 to 20 acres depending on financing, within a 40 mile radius of my county. The low end pricing is for all cash deals.
What you are seeking is unrealistic as there are plenty of "ALL CASH" buyers for the same thing at twice the price. While I do admire the attempt just be assured that the line of folks who want the same thing that you do is very long.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001.
Even here in Mo were it's really cheep you can also get 200 or more for 330.oo to 500.00 an acre but when you are looking at land of 40 acres or less its 1,000.oo to 2,000.oo I think for your price range of 3,000 you might be able to talk someone out of about 2 acres if your lucky. If you talk to somone with alot of land that might be the way to go, because somtimes when things get tight and they need the money they will sell off just a couple of acres to pay off taxes they owe so not to lose the hole thing.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), November 11, 2001.
I'll sell you some land up in Northern NY for that.
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 11, 2001.
Hi Lance, you should be able to purchase an acre or two or three at that price, especially here in Monroe county, we are VERY RURAL and it will be a dirt/gravel road, but it might even have "city water" on it or available, plus electric available.Here are some websites of local realtors in the county:
www.unitedcountry.com go to Woodsfield,OH listings
What do you want to do with it? We have 104 acres here, could possibly be talked into selling a few, not more than three at that price though.
You can defintitely get some cheap property if you do not need frontage on a road other than a lane for access to it, be sure to specify that to any realtors you contact if you go that way. The neighbor by us sold 18 acres for 7,000 that had only 30 feet of frontage, beautiful mature hardwoods on it too, but rather rugged terrain, not flat.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), November 11, 2001.