What happened to all the commotion over MCD & F&MD?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It was the rage of the summer and since 9/11/01 I haven't hear anything about all the dead cattle,and meat being barred from coming in,and mass burnings,England people having to sterilize their shoes and stuff,etc. What Happen? or is it just not news worthy anymore to the public?

-- TomK(mich) (tjk@cac.net), November 10, 2001


still out there,, I still hear about it on the BBC,, but it was overshadowed by the Sept 11, and whats going on now

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), November 10, 2001.

It's still here. In Cumbria they are just getting movement restrictions lifted. In Devon we are still waiting because antibodies were found in the flock on Exmoor. We have had no cases in Devon for nearly four months. To move livestock there is masses of paperwork but you can do it in, the same County. We are having Jersey calves bought on this coming week, for the winter. Our land/buildings are clean and our neighbour has run out of room. We are hoping to have his sheep after they have lambed next month.

Once something has moved onto the property nothing can move off (livestock) for twenty days, which is the incubation time for f&m

Hope this helps

Alison in the UK

-- Alison Homa (alisonhoma@aol.com), November 10, 2001.

Thanks Alison, I was just curious, because of the attacks it seems everything else is not even news worthy anymore unless it has Taliban or Afghanistan as part of it. I have to go to Canadian TV or shortwave radio if I want real world news,but I have notice even there that not much is talked about MCD or F&MD.

-- TomK(mich) (tjk@cac.net), November 10, 2001.

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