florida real estate wantedgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am interested in purchasing a couple of acres in south Florida. Anyone have anything for sale?
-- hector rodriguez (hector@wabcmail.com), November 09, 2001
Hector, you might want to look at the water management's rules and reg's very carefully before you invest in South Florida.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), November 10, 2001.
Hector, what in the world would possess you to want to move to South Florida????We just moved from Florida to Virginia. The key reason was the water situation. It is in a severe crisis there. There is no lawn watering (some counties allow 1 day per week), absolutely no car washing, etc. even if you are using a well. Get caught and it is one huge bill from the sheriff! In the city our water bill was over $100 a month and just before we moved they were giving out water allotments. If you go over your allotment you were charged 3 times the amount.
Also, the electric companies just deregulated there. There is anticipation of problems like in California with the rolling blackouts. Major problem in the summer when it is 95% and 98% humidity and you can't even run a fan.
Bugs are horrible...wait until the first Palmetto bug you see. They are GIANT roaches. Lizards are EVERYWHERE!
Crime is rampid, especially in south Florida! Taxes are on the increase.
Seems all the terrorist are residing there recently too....LOL...hey, your not a terrorist are you??? LOL
Another major problem is the way the developers are ruining everything. They have no concern for the environment and it is just subdivision after subdivision. If you find a couple of acres you will be paying top dollar!
People think it is cheap to live in Florida because the houses are cheaper compared to other places; however, it is very very misleading. Houses are cheap...land is very expensive! Groceries, utilities, etc. are much higher. We never had an electric bill under $200-250 per month (with air conditioning). Believe me, you WILL need air conditioning in S. Florida -- and about 10 out of the 12 months!
Other than nice weather for 2 months out of the year....I can't think of much worth living in Florida for. North Florida is not too bad. Much like living in Georgia. If you are dieing to live in Florida you might want to check into N. Florida. Land is also much much cheaper and the water crisis, although not out of the woods, is much better.
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), November 10, 2001.
HI..Although I agree with the above post..we do have 8 acres and a home that is 50% finished in the Lake Butler.Fl. area for sale..we are moving to Kentucky. If interested in more info contact me at the email address. ( This is in N.Fl., 1 hr from Ga. Line 15 min. from I- 75) Sandi
-- (msjazt@aol.com), November 11, 2001.