Looking for Peaceful Cottage or House.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi All! My Husband and I would like to rent, lease or buy with honest terms, a home in a quiet, beautiful area. I am an artist looking for a peaceful place to work. We are self-employed and stable. Must allow our good animals, alternitive energy is more than OK. If you have or know of a place please e-mail us at rosie_bear1@yahoo.comPS:no kids only shar-pei and kitties.
-- Rose Anderson (rosie_bear1@yahoo.com), November 09, 2001
What is beautiful to you? What is peaceful to you?I wouldn't have described our area as especially beautiful when we were looking (it's nice but I have seen places that took my breath away.) But every day here NOW I am just awed at the beauty and peace and love I feel for our new home and "our" valley.....
When we were looking, our criteria had more to do with safety, growing season, employment, affordability....but the Lord knew best and, having given us all we needed, added a generous dollop of peace and beauty as well.......
I would HIGHLY recommend Joel Skousen's book, "Strategic Relocation" to get you started in narrowing down an area based on many many considerations (anywhere from population density and other demographics to amounts of wind to radon gas levels to voting patterns.)
-- Elizabeth (hemsley@hdo.net), November 09, 2001.
Hello Rose. Are you interested in any particular area of the country? We have a double wide situated in a lovely beech tree grove overlooking a 10 acre lake. It is private and quiet and we think a very beautiful site. We are located in south central Virginia, close to the North Carolina border. If interested email.
-- Mary Zastowny (foxpawz@gamewood.net), November 10, 2001.