Monsters : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
I saw Monsters Inc. a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. For me, it was a great escape from reality. But I have a question. For how young a child would this movie be appropriate? I would love to take my 3-and-a-half-year-old niece to see it, because it's so imaginative, and I know there are elements she would go wild over. But I am wondering if it might be too scary for a child her age. I would appreciate hearing how the little ones in other people's lives have reacted to Monsters Inc.
-- Mary N. Macdonald (, November 09, 2001
I saw Monsters Inc with family members including my 4 year old nephew.My nephew enjoyed it and so did the rest of us. He has not had any negative reactions according to his mother.
It all depends on the child.
Best regards,
-- Austin Decker (, November 24, 2001.