boxes for canning : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am searching for a source or supplier of just the boxes for canning jars as mine have all fallen apart. Does anyone know of any?
-- CJ Simper (, November 08, 2001
Do you want free or do you want to pay?I'm into free. Personally I'd go to 2 places.
I'd go to the liquor stores, those boxes are stout!!!! Most are partitioned about the right diamater for canning jars but will be taller. I believe I'd stack'em up in each partition and put some sort of padding.
Next I'd go to the grocery store. Most grocery stores cut and break down cardboard boxes and compact them, makes it an easier and cheaper expense for them to have hauled off. I'd find out what time (usually evenings and nights) the stockers restock the shelves. Measure your jars, write it down, and take a tape measure to the store with you. I'm thinking boxes that had peanut butter, jellies, etc etc etc would be about the same size partitions for your canning jars.
Let us know how it works out.
-- gene ward (, November 08, 2001.
another place,, is an auto parts store,, the boxes that hold the quarts of oil,, I use them,, work pretty good
-- stan (, November 09, 2001.
The boxes that Avon products are delivered in are very good and they have a cover. If you know of an Avon Representative, she or he may be happy to give some to you.
-- Ardie/WI (, November 09, 2001.
The boxes that Clay Birds come in at Trap Shoots are perfect and very strong. If they have any good shots they don't need them any more. My brother collects antique jars and that is how he keeps them.
-- Mel Kelly (, November 09, 2001.
I use horseshoe boxes. They are double thick and can hold 9 quarts perfectly. They can be stacked too. You can ask for them at a feedstore or hardware store. A farrier(sp?) will also know where to get them and probably save you some.
-- Nan (, November 09, 2001.
Copy paper boxes are heavy and have a nice fitting lid if you want to keep some of your jars in the dark. Most office supply stores or businesses that do a lot of copying would have them. They even have nice handles in the ends to help with moving.
-- Ivy in NW AR (, November 09, 2001.
My husband makes mine out of scrap wood. He keeps the dimentions in the workshop and everytime he gets enough scraps he whips together another one. They are strong and won'd wear out.
-- Mary R. (, November 09, 2001.
I am not sure whether you are wanting these to store empty jars or not, but heres what I do. I store my empty clean jars in a large garbage can with lid(to keep mice out and keep them clean) . Then I store them in the outbuilding until I am ready to use them. Then all I have to do is get them out of the garbage can and rinse. Of course you need to place the garbage can where it won't get banged around to prevent breakage. You can store a lot of jars in one of these. Rosemary
-- rosemary (rosemary.lester@, February 22, 2002.