Exhaust Noise

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a used 2000 F4S. It only has 1100 miles on it and I did the 600 mile servive. It runs fine and there are no problems with the bike.

My problem is that I don't like it! I don't like the sound. Japanese bikes sound better and I would never buy a Japanese bike. I only own Italian bikes. I will not experiment with spending lots of money on exhaust pipes. Does anyone have a soundclip or recommandation on exhaust pipes.

Otherwise, this spring, the bike goes. Please Help.

-- David Aull (aullferrari@aol.com), November 06, 2001


Hello David, I'm sorry to hear of your displeasure with the sound of the MV. I think that you'll be truly impressed when you get through the initial break-in. The MV's symphony begins above 5000 rpm, but patience young man, like a fine wine, the F4S needs to be aged properly. Good luck with your bike! Masis

-- Masis Yeterian (masisludiy@aol.com), November 07, 2001.


go here,


let the sound load then click on the box that says muffler souund.

They look a bit naff in my opinion and are very expensive, but this is generaly what aftermarket pipes sound like.


-- adam (adamspostbox@hotmail.com), November 09, 2001.

Simple solution... if you dont like it, sell it! Preferably to someone who will appreciate it.....

-- pcd (prestoncyberdog@aol.com), November 10, 2001.

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