R.E. in tennessee (Organic Farm for sale)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have for sale a 30acre organic farm in East Tennessee.It is 24x44 with a full basement and a 12x44 covered porch.It also has two outbuildings,apple orchard and a garden.$79,900.Don
-- don schwartz (donschwartz2002@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001
Sounds great! What kind of house does it have? How many bedrooms/baths? Any kind of water (pond, well, etc.) I see you were growing apples, what other kinds of crops were you growing here. Did you have animals on the property? Is it fenced? Where is the local? Closest town for shopping/doctors, etc. Why are you selling the property? As you can see, I have lots of questions. If you'd like to email me privately, that would be fine, if not, I'll check back to
-- Michele Bryant (micheleb@aol.com), November 06, 2001.