If I build it... Will they come?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
With apologies to 'Field of Dreams' I have an idea like Costner's character. My property is about three or four miles down the road from the high school from which my children, their mother and I were all graduated. I have a front area about 500' x 500' which is currently being used for absolutely nothing. I'm thinking with home plate near one corner there's plenty of room for a diamond there. I believe they're currently paying for practice time at another facility. Here the HS could have a place to use as a practice facility for both baseball and softball at zero rent. Has anyone done anything like this?
-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), November 04, 2001
In a better world with better people it would be a wonderful idea, but you better think about liability and trash.
-- paul (primrose@centex.net), November 04, 2001.
.... and sanitary facilities, and changing rooms.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), November 04, 2001.
Yep, am afraid Paul is right. As a former paralegal (now full-time homesteader since July - wooohooo!) I can tell you that you will probably never get your homeowners insurance to write you a policy for liability and, if you could find one who did, you would probably never be able to afford it. You can bet that at sometime there will be someone injured and since it is on private property, you will be sued. Even if you could get a waiver from the school, it will still be a public facility with parents, etc. and those waivers don't include them. Even so, often a waiver is invalid if a judge or jury find some sort of liability (or even "shared" liability) on your part.It sure is a shame you have to consider such things in today's society. What a very generous offer you want to make! Just be assured...some bozo WILL ruin it for you!
Now it would be worth the risk if you could just get someone like Shoeless Joe Jackson....maybe Babe Ruth............LOL
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.
Check with your insurance agent. Every state has what are called Recreational Use Laws which protect landowners from liability as long as they do not charge and the area used does not include known hazards. If they give the OK, then approach the high school coach. You can require they do maintenance, cleaning and provide a port-a- john. A formal agreement, drawn up by a knowledgeable attorney, would be a must.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), November 05, 2001.
Why not set up a road side fruit and veggie stand with pumpkins in the fall and Christmas trees at Christmas ( of course)??? If you are near the high school you would certainly get the road side trade and you wouldn't have to worry too much with the insurance but still have to check into it of course and permits and all that good stuff. Hey....you never know !! Good Luck !!
-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), November 05, 2001.
Have you considered donating the parcel to your cause? That's been done in our area for the same purpose you describe.
-- Mary (zoots25@hotmail.com), November 05, 2001.
Do you want to let them use it for a while or forever? If a while then check with your insurance agent. If forever, why not go to the school or city and ask about creating a park in your name. THe Gary in Indiana memorial park.
-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), November 05, 2001.
Hi Gary, There is a fellow in Hunterdon County, NJ who built a baseball field on his property for the local kids, and it seems like the neighbors were his biggest problem. There were some articles about his field and many letters to the editor in the local paper both supporting and deriding him. I'm not sure how far the field was from the neighbors' properties.I think the township finally made him close it down, but I'm not positive about the status now. The Hunterdon Democrat newspaper could probably give you more information or copies of the articles that were printed about it and possibly the guy's name if you wanted to get in touch with him. It sounds like a very generous thing for you to do for your community, just beware of possible problems. Good luck!
-- Barb (rosemontfarm1@aol.com), November 05, 2001.
My neighbors who instituted a field on another neighbor's property- formal agreement,etc. now regret their actions. Too late now. There are over 70 cars some evenings and two fields there. There is a set of dusk to dawn lights and two buildings. A half dozen portajohns. Trash is always a problem as these folks seem to litter on our dead end road during the drive in. Did I mention the speed they drive? Sometimes I am downright cranky about this. But truly, where do I want these kids to go? So, during the season we just grin and bear it.Have you thought of making it an informal place for pickup games?
-- Anne (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), November 05, 2001.
I know you wanted to be generous to the school but after reading the other posts, I was thinking maybe you could rent the land to the school for a low price (could even be for $1). This would put the resposibility of insurance, port-a-johns and whatever into their hands. You could even have a stipulation of care in the contract so you can withdraw the offer if they do not follow it so you are not stuck.What do you think Karen, would that work?
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), November 05, 2001.
Gary, YOU DO what your heart tell's YOU to do! And then enjoy!
-- trend (trendlespin@msn.com), November 05, 2001.
I'd like to retain ownership but the idea of the $1.00 a year lease certainly appeals to me. Then I'd be free of the worry about some other items mentioned. It just seemed a shame to have this sitting idle when someone might be able to get some good out of it.I'm not too worried about trash, etc. as this school is very big on doing things right and maintaining the proper image, etc. They would probably leave the place better than they found it every time they were there. I do think a call to my attorney and insurance agent are in order as a matter of precaution, though. I'm more than willing to add some additional insurance to cover whatever contingencies might arise so as to allow this to happen. Besides, my insurance costs now are so high another few hundred dollars a year won't matter, I guess. ;o) Besides, it'll be for a good cause.
-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), November 05, 2001.
Look into a bookkeeper, too. You might be able to write it off.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), November 05, 2001.
My ex-neighbor's kids couldn't get enough practice when they started little league because of the other teams so he built a diamond in the middle of his hay patch. I called it "Rick's Field of Dreams." They had a business behind the house so I'm sure they had some kind of insurance. No one ever left trash and no one ever went into the house. It was really nice. One boy made it all the way to the state playoffs when he got in high school.
-- Frances Burt (fsburt@msn.com), November 05, 2001.