/anybody know how to get diesel fuel out of clothes?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Help! my husband came in from work with diesel fuel from head to toe. Can I get this out of his clothes or will I have to trash them? I presoaked them, then put them through two long wash cycles using Tide and Borax and two rinse cycles each time. They still smell the same. Any ideas? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Dian
-- Dian in TN (rhoffman@nctc.com), November 04, 2001
Don't know about diesel fuel but I have coveralls that I got transmission fluid on about ten years ago and I can still smell it!
-- BamaJohn (jjjn@bellsouth.net), November 04, 2001.
Try presoaking in GoJo hand cleaner before washing.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 04, 2001.
Try citrus based cleaners and baking soda and then hanging the clothes out for a day or two to dry, then doing it again if it still stinks.
-- Anne (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), November 04, 2001.
Dian: Try dry cleaning them that should take the oder out... Warren.....
-- Warren Baucom (w.baucom@worldnet.att.net), November 04, 2001.
I would try a vinegar soak first. It cuts alot of smells, that may be one of them. At least it's the cheapest try
-- Laura (LauraLeekis@home.com), November 04, 2001.
First of all, I'd wash in plain dish-washing detergent and water - that stuff is designed to get grease and oil, whereas a laundry detergent is more aimed at dirt.If that doesn't work, try (under safe conditions - nowhere near an open flame or functioning electric motor) doing a bucket hand-wash in petrol (gasoline). Preferably outdoors - unleaded petrol has some real nasties that you can inhale. Maybe this is something your husband could do at work. Then rinse (outdoors still) in warm water, then should be safe to wash again normally. If necessary, repeat again with methylated spirits. Principle of the thing is that each time you're washing out the previous contents with a lighter solvent, until you get to something that is completely water-soluble.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), November 04, 2001.
My mother always used lestoil to remove gas and other fuels from clothes.
-- David Rissel (David.Rissel@us.abb.com), November 05, 2001.
Oops you beat me to it! I was going to suggest Lestoil too. my sister swore by it when her son worked the grill shift at McD's and his apron would be grease soaked. She always got it out with Lestoil.
-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), November 05, 2001.
I have had diesel all over me by accident before. I used the a cup unsented lamp oil with the wash. Then washed with about tripple amount of soap to get that out. Worked for me and I am still wearing the coat. The only problem you might have is that after the article has been put in the dryer the heat tends to set the stain and odor. I hope you have luck.
-- John Fraley (jnfraley@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.
I had a gas pump not shut off on me last spring. Saoked me everywhere--clothes, winter coat, shoes. Ruined my leather shoes however, VINEGAR. I promise this works on the clothes. I put 2 qts and a scoop of Tide on high level in the washer and then hung out to dry outside. I am once again wearing all.
-- (stephanie.wilkerson@experian.com), November 05, 2001.
My vote is for the Go-Jo. Gets almost everything out! Scoop a handful out and mix in the washer. Let them sit for a few hours, or overnight, then wash as usual. If you can see the actual spot, dab some straight on it.
-- Bear (barelyknow@aol.com), November 06, 2001.
Lots and lots of very good answers. My husband works on brges and he comes home every day covered in diesel fuel and coal dust. Tide Tide Tide is the best, but add 1 cup of automatic dish washer detergent (test colorfastness first!) and 1 cup vinegar to the rinse. Because of the vinegar no fabric softener necessary. And the stains and smell are gone.
-- Brandy Tallent (MooreBrandy@prodigy.net), January 13, 2002.