pickels and chickens (can they eat them?)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I made 3 batches of dill pickels and one batch is soft and my family won't eat them. So i was wondering if it would be ok to give them to our chickens? I know they will eat them, but should they eat them( all that salt)? Thank for any answers, vickie

-- vickie (vduffys@cs.com), November 04, 2001


Chickens can and will eat any kitchen scraps you throw out. They won't over indulge in salt like humans. If they get maxed out on salt, they will stop eating it for a while. Animals are better at that than humans.

Huggs, Rose

-- Rose (open_rose@hotmail.com), November 05, 2001.

My chickens just love anything with vinegar in it. Vinegar is supposed to calm them down, but to tell the truth I've never noticed any difference in them.

-- Jill (lance1_86404@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.

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