rabbit manure question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can I put fresh rabbit manure around my garden plants? If so, how much around each plant, I have tomatoes broccoli cabbage and lettuce.I cant find this info in the archives. Thanks Roxanne

-- Roxanne (Roxanne143@webtv.net), November 04, 2001


yes,,,,,,,,rabbit manure wont burn plants, but as much as they need or as you want

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), November 04, 2001.

Stans right,I put ti on my tomatoe plant s this past summer,I they grew with bounds and leaps and it was nice to know that they were organic grown with cheap fertilizer. Dave.S

-- Dave.S (duckthis1@maqs.net), November 04, 2001.

O.K. that's not fair !!!!! I don't have any plants now just cold weather !

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), November 04, 2001.

Patty, it is cold here in the southwestern desert of Arizona also. Got down to 65 last night and with this storm front that is moving through it probably will even get down to 60 later this week.

-- Joe (CactusJoe001@AOL.com), November 04, 2001.

Absolutely! I have been using rabbit manure for years now, I have never regulated how much I put on. I have never bothered to mulch it first either, it is one of the three manures that doesn't need to be mulched first. (can't think of the other two, anyone remember?)Just be careful you use only the manure, the urine should not be thrown on, it may burn the roots. As a matter of fact, I had been without rabbits for a couple years, and have just bought two new ones, specifically for their manure. (You know- Steph, my daughter, has been asking questions about them) You will see a wonderful improvement from before on your plants. Let us northerners live vicariously through you, and let us know how the garden is coming along, won't you?

-- Sandie in Maine (peqbear@maine.rr.com), November 05, 2001.

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