Thanks for the Missouri Ozarks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi folks, We just wanted to say thank you so very much for all the responses that were posted about the Missouri Ozarks. You can not imagine how helpful they are. We really appreciate all the information we received through this forum. What a great place to gather information and meet new friends. I could go on and on but a big thank you is what I need to get across. So THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, EVERYONE!!!!!Deb and Steve from Minnesota
-- Deb Borgia (, November 03, 2001
Have you found a place??
-- Rose (, November 04, 2001.
No Rose, We haven't found a place yet because we haven't been able to take a trip down there yet. We were hoping to go down this Fall, but it looks more like it will be Spring now. We have had wonderful responses from folks down there so I'm hoping to be able to hook up with more realtors than we can find on the internet. Thanks, Deb
-- Deb Borgia (, November 04, 2001.