Babe looking to buy : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Lewis County, more than four-hundred acres- road off a road, REMOTE, hunting camp for sale, bear habitat. Strong interest in bear preservation, never bought country land, thinking about a Nature Conservacy Trust with this property. They want $375/acre. Taxes about 2000/annual. Does this sound reasonable? What things should I be asking or thinking about- going down to look at it- would just leave it there, posted and turn it over to the Conservacy when I've had all I can bear:)... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated- thanks!
-- Bobbie Kavanaugh-Reif (, October 31, 2001
What state or country??
-- Anne (, October 31, 2001.
$152,000 for bears? The adirondack bear is hardly endangered. The Nature Conservancy may just turn around and sell or swap it for other properties or programs...If you want to live or recreate there, 400 acres is nice, but is there water? Lumber? Firewood? septic? electricity? Any land to grow things on? Is the land high?( Higher elevations= fewer large mammals.)
-- seraphima (, October 31, 2001.
I would think about this one awhile. If the bears come first, then can you clear any woods without somone having a fit or bring a law suit against you because the bears need all the woods. Also if you had any animal stock could you protect it from the bears or would you just be raising food for the bears. Great price but I would rather pay 1,000 an acre like we do here in the ozarks and get to use every bit of what I bought with the owners rights comming first.
-- Teresa (, November 01, 2001.
Where's Lewis County?Who's the babe?
-- Rick#7 (, November 01, 2001.
If you're talking NYS, be very careful what you do with the Nature Conservancy. They are hand in hand with the DEC these days, so what you give to them may not remain with them. They have a deal going right next to me where the NC bought land at the tax sale because NYS does not have the money right now for it, but it is going to be transferred gradually to the DEC. I thought it was going to be great having the NC for a neighbor, and now I find out it's all going to go to the DEC . . . :(
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, November 01, 2001.
What does DEC stand for?
-- onealone (, November 02, 2001.
DEC. Department of Enviromental Conservation. A state enviromental agency. Some good conservation programs, but also they have legal authority to restrict landowners as well. Also they have the right to open their lands to hunters and that might not be what you want for your land. You can put ypur land into a trust on your own and get tax breaks in the process.
-- Kate henderson (, November 02, 2001.