Help! Dog has hives : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My dog came down with hives all over her hind quarters. She is not having any other trouble and they just showed up tonight. Does anyone know if I can give her a Benadryl? A friend of mine gave some to her dog in the past, but I am not sure that it's safe. There are no local vet clinics open this late and the emergency clinic will cost a fortune. If I can get her through till the morning I can take her to my vet tommarow. Thanks!

-- Ellie (, October 29, 2001


I have given Benadryl to my large dog in the past. Also have given aspirin. What size is your dog? Make sure there is plenty of water available.

-- Anne (, October 29, 2001.

Yes, benadryl is safe for an otherwise healthy dog. Average size dog, one capsule. My vet has me keep it on hand for the bulldog, who gets them at the drop of a hat.

-- melina b. (, October 29, 2001.

We use benydryl with our dogs also.The dog probably has allergies. Our vet explained to us that because of the relativly short lifespans of domestic canines that there has been distict evolutionary changes over the last 40 years or so due to the changes in the way we care for pet dogs. He even advised not to feed raw meat as the canine systems are beginning to mirror human immune systems when confronting bacteria.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, October 29, 2001.

We have had to give Bendryl to our dog for allergies. Vet said 2 pills up to 2 times a day for a 65 lb dog. Adjust for the weight of your dog. They can take up to 2 hours to kick in. Good luck!

-- Cindy in NY (, October 30, 2001.

This past summer my dog got these places on her hind quarters. Overnight, she had them chewed RAW!! She constantly "dug" at them. I took her to the vet and he shaved around the area, cleaned them, and gave her a cortisone shot, and an oral antibiotic. Also gave me some stuff in a spray bottle called "Bitter Apple", which kept her from chewing at the spots until the shot took effect to relieve the itching. It must have tasted awful by the way she reacted when she tried to chew at the spots. Didnt take long and she was fine.

-- Phyllis in the Texas Panhandle (, October 30, 2001.

We took our 20 pound Jack Russell to the vet for hives once - They gave him steroids and benadryl. The vet said in the future I could give him 25 mg Benadryl - even for such a small dog!

-- J Flynn (, October 30, 2001.

Thanka for all the replies! Our dog is a healthy, 2 yr old female lab, about 70lbs+/-. We gave her one 25mg Ben yesterday evening and another this morning. Also gave her a bath in case there was something on her coat that was causing this. She is not acting terribly itchy and the lumps seem to have stopped progressing. I think they may be gatting smaller, but are still there. She has never had allergies before, but did get into the kitchen trash yesterday morning (never done that before). I am suspecting something in the trash didn't agree with her! She is eating the same dog food & nothing else has changed. She is eating fine, is playful, and does not appear to be in any distress/pain. If the symptoms get worse or don't get better by tommarow I will take her to the vet.

-- ellie (, October 30, 2001.

I don't know "Bitter Apple", but I have heard of "Bitter Aloes" (extract of a distant relative of Aloe Vera) as a discouragement from chewing. Works on children's fingernails. Also heard of using (or making) an extract of quassia wood chips (also called bitterwood). Even heard of spraying it on plants, shrubs and trees you don't want animals to feed on.

-- Don Armstrong (, November 03, 2001.

On the subject of Bendryl, can you give it to dogs who is freaking out when we try to cut her nails and trim her hair. I know if she went through it once she would see it does not hurt. She is 4 months old and weighs right at 8-10 pounds. If anyone can help please email me. Thanks. Krissy

-- Krissy Harding (, December 11, 2001.

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