Looking for acreage/homestead in Oh,Kygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Family of 5 looking for 20 to 40 acres ,or more in north central Ohio/ eastren Kentucy,? We would like to buy on land contrack/RENT TO OWN. We are curently renting 4 acres in ohio ,But would like to own our own homestead. woods a must(wood heat,wood cook stove)We are Very interested in any information regarding this. Please respond our hopes& dreams are attached to this E-mail. THANK YOU VERY MUCH RUBY
-- Ruby Hamm (RUBYLOST@AOL.COM), October 28, 2001
Hi Ruby, why not consider property caretaking? I look forward to hearing back from you. Take care, Gary C. Dunn, Publisher THE CARETAKER GAZETTE PO Box 540 River Falls, WI 54022-0540 USA (715) 426-5500 caretaker@caretaker.org www.caretaker.org
-- Gary Dunn (caretaker@caretaker.org), October 28, 2001.
If you are caretaking property do you own it? Can you cut wood off of it if you are just caretaking?Thanks, Laura
-- Laura (LauraLeekis@home.com), October 28, 2001.
I would seriously consider SE Ohio, the property here is so cheap that you can afford a conventional mortgage easily, especially if you are a first time homebuyer and qualify for 5% downpayment programs.Check out www.swisslands.com and www.fliehmanrealty.com, both good companies that are privately owner managed and they go out of their way to please you, especially Swisslands.
You can still get a livable house on 5 to 20 acres for under 50,000 dollars here in this county of only 15,000 people. It is very rural, so expect to be on an unpaved dirt road at the cheapest prices offered, but it is worth it, the folks are so friendly and "old time" heplful here.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), October 29, 2001.