
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just glancing thro the posts it hit me, name a front three that have represented the Toon , put them together and you will be firing on all cylinders. Buff you are just to clever for this board at times!!

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001


A Poser - not me pet,the question

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001


-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Wankel, Rotary & Engine

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Can't think of a front three Buff, but I'm part way to builing a car: Piston(e), Glass and Speed(ometer) all have their place, and we can put a Griffin badge on the front. We can paint it Green or White. Add a load of nuts and a couple of cranks in the stands and we're halfway there. Include Hereford and Stevenage and you have a couple of shockers. I'm sure we could get some engine parts from (Massey) Ferguson (was he one of your three??).

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Monty Python used to occasionally feature a character named Mrs Combustion Engine, but I don't think she ever played for the toon.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Answer is Ford, Cort, Tino

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2001

Meanwhile on planet earth... ;-)

Neebody likes a clever dick, Buff :-) - except Sting it now transpires

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

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