Answering a post (Forum Etiquitte) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This question has been turning in my mind for some time now. I can't fully answer this one myself and was wondering if any of you had an opinion on it, or similiar thoughts. It deals with responding to posts. The question is:When someone asks for some information that you know the answer to because you read it on an earlier post, should you wait for that person to answer, or do you go ahead and give out the information?
Speaking for myself, I go ahead and give out the information. I think that if someone is asking for help, you should try to help them. I preface my answer with "I have read somewhere . . ." or words to that effect, and make every attempt to give someone else the credit for putting out the info; after all, they were the originators, not me.
Does this practice make me a jerk (or as my wife would more likely put it . . . MORE of a jerk.)? Your comments, bad or good, would be greatly appreciated. I am forum etiquitte illeterate and do not know if this is to be avoided. Thanks again for your responses.
-- j.r. guerra (, October 26, 2001
for me,, it all depends on the question, and how long ago it came up on the forum. Some questions, to me,, are just plain stupid. MAybe its just me,, but I think there shuld be a common sense check before you can log into the forum. I get critized ALOT about some of my responses,, doesnt bother me,, if you want an answer,, ask the correct question
-- stan (, October 26, 2001.
When I ask a question and the level of stupidity is often debatable, I apprecicate any answer. If there is an online link, and I'm able to verify the info I receive, then I appreciate the answer even more! But before I ask ANY question, I try to save myself some embarrassment by looking through past forum posts.When it comes to answering, sometimes I type before I think and I have been known to get off subject slightly. But I agree with J.R. that the purpose of this forum is to help others and the only way to do that is to answer with whatever help we can.
Tell your wife that the J does not stand for Jerk.
-- Charleen in WNY (, October 26, 2001.
Stan, if you have a question you can't figure out the answer to, or just don't know, that is what the forum is for. A question that is stupid to some is certainly important enough for the person to ask it. I think there are no stupid questions...maybe just stupid answers.If it irrates you that a question is asked, why belittle the person asking the question? Just don't bother entering an answer! Must be nice to be so much smarter than the other people. Sorry, I don't mean to belittle you either, just hope you understand that it is not right for you to judge others who need help.
J.R., I don't think anyone would object to giving an answer already posted. Your right, people are looking for answers and the person who responded before might not check the forum for a while and not respond. I think it is important that if you know the answer, you respond. My opinion is it would be proper to preface it to give the credit to whoever had answered before.
-- Karen (, October 26, 2001.
I agree with Karen. We are very new to homesteading and every new "adventure" brings lots of questions for us. I usually try to research the forum before I post a question, but sometimes I don't find the answer I am looking for or enough information on the subject. Then I will post my question and cringe waiting for stan or someone else to have a "dumb" answer. I feel stupid enough on my own without thier smart alec remarks. There are alot of questions that I won't ask because of this. I wasn't fortunate enough to be born with "homesteading knowledge" and the questions I ask are very real problems to me. If you can't help, then don't respond to my questions, if you can, then I don't care where you read it or when --- it is new to me. I think it is great of the people who take the time to share their knowledge without judging the mentality of those asking the quesitons. To those homesteaders I say THANK-YOU!!!! Lisa B.
-- Lisa B. (, October 26, 2001.
Karen and Lisa: Isn't Stan stating he may not answer the question if the poster should be able to see the same thread is visible 15 lines down on the screen.
-- rick K (, October 26, 2001.
JR, I tend to your method - see my response to "chicken question (how long to confine new arrivals?) (2001-10-25)", where I credited "someone" whose name I couldn't remember off-hand, and Rogo chimed in next answer. I do think I added some info from my viewpoint which made it more than just a pre-emptive "me-too". I try not to say anything if I don't have anything to add - it seems a bit pointless to post something that effectively says "me too, but I can't say anything new"; although if it seems that saying "that's right" or "I agree" will help then I do. You can't depend on the one person who's posted something before to be watching, though - I know I've been off- line for various periods - people do get sick or go on holidays or get caught up by events.I also tend to point out to people who don't appear to know, that they can check the "older messages" or they can use a search engine. I try to be polite about this, as I realise people are coming new to the web all the time, and may not know all the tricks and shortcuts and etiquette. I try to make such answers helpful and informative, although I admit I can get a bit tight-lipped at times if I'm having a bad day and it looks like the person is just being lazy, not doing prior research, and should know better.
-- Don Armstrong (, October 26, 2001.
I said ,, I see some questions as stupid,, such as,, how to boil water,,, when do I eat an egg,, how to tell when its raining ect,, If you want an ansdwer to a question ASK the question you want answered, Not something that requires a yea or no answer. I do not,, and never claimed to know everything, ( or anything for that matter), but comon sense is still common sense
-- stan (, October 26, 2001.
It sounds like you're doing it perfectly. You're providing the answer as soon as possible to the person who needs it AND crediting the source.Personally, my feeling is very, very few things given as answers are "original" and most people posting the questions don't care. They just need the help. Just keep answering and trying to help.
-- Gary in Indiana (, October 26, 2001.
I agree with Gary! At some point, we are all newbies at some particular subject! I remember feeling really dumb once when someone sent me to the archives instead of simply answering the question I posted! Fortunately, I have a thick skin and I stayed here. Let's be as patient with people here as we would wish them to be with us. Just answer the question and get on with it! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, October 26, 2001.
I am 42 years old. I farm with horses ,garden,raise a host of livestock,was a butcher for a number of years,play at the guitar,sing a bit and enjoy writing. I work off my farm as a superintendent in a large company ... for now. I enjoy passing along information. I think of it as handing down my heritage. I have asked many questions sometimes maybe too many .. but I found out. I agree that many people are just getting started and it takes courage to ask especially for an adult. I think that people want answers..correct answers if you can provide them then by all means answer.I choose to only answer the questions that I can answer from personal experience . Only because if the person contacts me I want to be able to lend an even bigger hand or answer the question more in depth.... But most importantly answer if you can,homesteading/farming can be tough enough....... when you have even part of the answers. Ralph
-- Ralph Rice (, October 26, 2001.
Well, I've been hanging out here for a couple of years or so, and have a pretty good idea what's in the archives. However, even when I know specifically what I'm looking for and remember having read it before, I usually still have trouble finding the posting in the archives. I can see how they would be quite intimidating for someone new who needed a quick answer. I think questions asked in good faith should be responded to in the same manner, no matter how inane they may seem. And like mom always said (in theory), if you can't say something nice . . . (again, in theory) :o)
-- Laura Rae Jensen (, October 26, 2001.
I say just spill your beans. I've gotten Countryside for 10 years or more, and been on here for a long time. And if you think about it, most of what is in my head about homesteading, someone else wrote in the first place. In fact, maybe this answer I wrote was something I read on another post. he he he It's cool, we are all cool.
-- Cindy in KY (, October 27, 2001.