Rural property in SW VA for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, we are selling our property in Floyd County, Virginia: a 3 bed, 2 bath double-wide on 6 acres, pasture/woods/small stream with large greenhouse, 2 sheds, 30 gal/min well, 1000 gal propane tank, woodstove, and backup generator. Also some small apple trees, blueberry and blackberry bushes and garden plot. Many homestead-minded folks in the area. We love it out here in the country, but unfortunately my husband's job requires us to move in closer to the city. Email me if you're interested.Linda
-- Linda Swartwout (, October 25, 2001
Let me tell you, folks, this is beautiful country with beautiful people to boot. If I didn't live here, I'd live there!
-- Bren (, October 25, 2001.