I volunteer for dirty duty!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

With this Antrax threat growing, it appears that there are many questions that remain unanswered. When the first death occurred we were told that you had to inhale a very large quantity of Anthrax spores to become sick. Now it appears that several have the inhalation strain and two more have died with a lot less than previously thought. I believe that in 30-60 days these cases will then be in the hundreds and growing every day. Untill we find out who is doing this, it and Small Pox will continue to disrupt our lives and raise fears to higher levels not seen before. Nobody in the CIA or FBI is up to the task of squeezing out information from known terrorist under arrest that would obviously know the answers that we need. As of today I will be contacting these two agencies to let them know that I volunteer my services and will get the answers from these individuals thru TORTURE. You fight dirty with dirty! If you want to win you be the dirtiest! They aren't up for the task but I can do it. Bamboo slivers forced underneath the fingernails is a good place to start and in most cases ends there. A glass cubicle is used next whereas hands and feet are pulled out thru holes up to elbows and knees. The skin is then peeled slowly off of these members right down to the muscle very slowly so they can see and feel it. If talking and exposing their counterparts that are terrorizing this country hasn't begun by now start with the next step. Two medium size farm variety hogs that haven't ate for at least five days are then turned loose on the extremities. They will start to fight over lunch and the cave monkey gets to watch his life disappear before his very eyes. The key to this last phase is you have to use the hogs. That is very important! If he is still not talking 1/2 pint of gasoline is poured into the cubicle and set ablaze. When that goes out repeat that step. If he hasn't revealed anything by now pour five gallons in there and get rid of the Son of A Bitch.

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 23, 2001


Very well... now we know that not only do you want to catch Bin Laden, you want to become Bin Laden.

I find it hard to believe that you are a fellow American. If you are, I invite you to get the hell out of my country RIGHT NOW, as we have no room for folks like you.

Lots more I'd like to say, but I'll refrain.

-- boswell bin laden (pigf*cker@the.farm), October 23, 2001.

And I'll bet you're one of them touchy warm feely kind of persons that would have NEVER BOMBED JAPAN because it was an atrocity on humanity. Hell no just let several hundred thousand more Marines take a bullet meant for YOU. We need to get some answers out of these son of bitches one way or ANOTHER and torture is only way. "Please tell me where the Anthrax terrorist is and I'll give you your lemon filled donut"

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 23, 2001.

And listen here you son of a bitch, don't ever tell me to leave my country. Just because you can't stomach the thought of torturing one of them dirty old men to get the truth doesn't mean that some of us have to sit back and let em throw the next round of deadly shit at us. " We can't stand to let some awful awful person torture in this manner to save innocent American children from biological warfare. Why it wouldn't be right. We must talk to them and find out why they are so mad at us."

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 23, 2001.

While I understand where you're coming from, your methods seem a bit extreme. Why not just shoot 'em up with truth serum?

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), October 23, 2001.

Well hell Buddy, I'd go for that, I didn't know something like that could be used. Know sense in pulling the bastard's legs off if you can shoot him up with drugs. It's a druggy society anyway. But remember you got to make him talk and come up with answers.

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 23, 2001.

Ananova : Silence of terror suspects frustrates FBI

US investigators say they are increasingly frustrated by the silence of detained terrorist suspects.

More than 150 people rounded up after the September 11 attacks remain in custody.

The FBI believes four held in New York have particularly useful information.

Agents say offers of lighter sentences, jobs, money and new identities have not prompted a response.

The Washington Post claims an FBI source told it: "We're into this thing for 35 days and nobody is talking. Frustration has begun to appear."

One agent said: "We are known for humanitarian treatment, so basically we are stuck. Usually there is some incentive, some angle to play, what you can do for them. But it could get to that spot where we could go to pressure, where we won't have a choice - and we are probably getting there."

Under US law, interrogators in criminal cases can lie to suspects, but information obtained by physical pressure, inhumane treatment or torture cannot be used in a trial.

In addition, the government interrogators who used such tactics could be sued by the victim or charged with battery by the government.

The four key suspects are being held in New York's Metropolitan Correctional Centre.

They are Zacarias Moussaoui - a French Moroccan detained in August after he sought flying lessons; Mohammed Jaweed Azmath and Ayub Ali Khan - Indians traveling with false passports, box cutters, and hair dye; and Nabil Almarabh - a former Boston cab driver with alleged links to al-Qaida.

Story filed: 17:10 Sunday 21st October 2001

-- (cut@nd.paste), October 23, 2001.

I heard this morning on Fox TeeVee the idea of sending them to another country that has lower standards of interrogation techniques than does the US, then send then back here after the information is "obtained".

Interesting idea.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeeD@yahoo.com), October 23, 2001.

"... but information obtained by physical pressure, inhumane treatment or torture cannot be used in a trial. "

In that case, the charges could be dropped later?

-- helen (shameful@times.not.surprising), October 23, 2001.

"Under US law, interrogators in criminal cases can lie to suspects, but information obtained by physical pressure, inhumane treatment or torture cannot be used in a trial. In addition the government interrogators who used such tactics coud be sued by the victim or charged with battery by the government." Oh really! They are now PRISONERS OF WAR and they need to have their thumbs screwed down and their nut bags stretched untill they cough up the right information. "Some incentive, some angle to play, what you can do for them." "And if they don't talk to us, what are we going to do?" MY GOD! Look what it's come down to!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 23, 2001.

In the southwest we just tie them over an anthill out in the bright sun and slit their eyelids. It's very persuasive and low-tech, too!

-- (One@who.knows), October 25, 2001.

Don't make too much fun of the torture angle because now it's starting to hit Fox and the other alphabet channels. And the truth drug shot gets throwed out the window cause it don't always work. At least when you pull their arms off you know you've given your best shot!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 25, 2001.

Listen up we are just beginning to see the first stage of this attack. Boswell you are correct. At first it was large amount had to be inhaled. Today it is a little. Now they are going for the food chain. keep your fucking hogs tied up and watch after them and the damn cows. and for heavens sakes do not under any circumstances eat anymore fucking veggies.

We are all going to die.

-- (the@end.is.near), October 26, 2001.

I'm tellin ya right now, if we don't get answers out of these dirty filthy people that we have in custody, they will allow harm to many many more of our citizens. They have destroyed a large part of humanity, slowed our financial institutions and economy, and also put our mail system on standby. What's next in assets used against us? You got it! Food supply and water! Poisoned packaged food on the shelve in your local supermarket as like Tylenol. Just a little bit of dust will do ya! If I hear anybody anywhere even mention that we need to survey why these filthy 7th century baboons are mad at us, or we need to be sensitive to their feelings, or we must observe their religious time of Ramadom or whatever, I will personally kick their ass so hard they'll have to swallow to take a shit. Then I'll buy their ticket one way to the land of bed sheets, circumcised labias, and dirty beards!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 26, 2001.

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