Canon S10 E28 Error message : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

My 2 year old S10 Canon camera has suddenly decided to display an error message E28. The playback works fine, but something is obviously wrong. I know canon'a answer will be to take it to the srevice centre, but before I do that, anyone know what this error message means ? Cheers Bruce

-- Bruce Person (, October 23, 2001


hello did you have an answer for your error message ? i have the same trouble !

Cheers Jean

-- Jean (, January 03, 2002.

Same story happened to me this weekend, E28 error on my powershot S20. Playback works fine.

Here's a list of error code :

but no E28 !!

-- Steph Monier (, April 17, 2002.

Just to add another feather to the hat, mine seems to have done the same thing. It's also about two years old (bought in USA). No response yet from Canon.

-- Bob Knob (, April 22, 2002.

I have had the E28 error three times now. My S10 has some bent metal after nomerous falls to the ground, and I suspect this to be the problem. I have tried to bend the cover of the camera out to avoid the cover to press on anything inside the camera. This has done the trick the two times i had the error earlier. This time I decided to take the camera apart to straiten the covers. Im not finished yet.

-- per-erik saethre (, April 05, 2004.

I am currently trying to figure this one out as well. I was quoted $210 Canadian to fix it.

-- Jeremy Craigs (, April 14, 2004.

Ok...This will sound weird...But I have an S20, and it just recently displayed the same error code... So, I went onto the internet and I read somewhere that if you hit it, it would go away...So, holding it with one hand and with the heel of my other hand I just struck the camera (not enough to do any damage...) Damn if that didn't work! Now, in my case, it worked...I figured I didn't have much to lose, because I knew the costs of getting it properly fixed would not be worth it given how low prices are on brand new cameras....Let me know if it works....

-- (, April 18, 2004.

Hitting the camera gently did the trick - it works again!


-- psv (, May 02, 2004.

Wonderful high tech solution - and it works!

Thank you

-- Margaret (, May 05, 2004.

Chalk up another one for hitting the camera to make it work again. Thanks a whole bunch!

-- Marco Maggiora (, August 07, 2004.

Amazing - did the trick for my 3 year old S10 too! Thanks a lot.

-- S10 (, August 14, 2004.

thanx a lot for the hint hitting my s10 it worked again

-- klaus schlager (, August 21, 2004.

amazing. I am getting the same error code randomly - I can reproduce it at will - next tme I get E28, SMACK! How weird. Thanks for the feedback. Kris

-- k.l. franklin (, August 28, 2004.

Ha ha I have a two-three year old S10 and i got the same error E28 and after reading the previous posts i hit it and it worked! Thanks guys!

-- Paul (, October 04, 2004.

It worked my 3 year old S10 displaying E28 and your solution worked! - amazing thanks! I wonder what they guys @ canon are doing about this one!

-- MC (, October 04, 2004.

Es ist nicht zu fassen- die Methode funktionierte auch bei meiner 4 Jahre alten S10 tatsaechlich! Ein Hoch der high tech - und dem Internet! Peter

-- Peter (, October 18, 2004.

I also had the same E28 error message on a powershot s10 but the error only appeared after replacing the old 32 Mb flash card with a new 256 Mb card. The error disappeared when the old card was installed and reappeared everytime I stuck the new card in, even after reformatting the new card several times. After gently smacking the side of the camera and restarting it with the new card, the error went away! I don't know why it works but it does; thanks for the tip!

-- David Lamb (, October 30, 2004.

I had same problem with my PowerShot S20. All of sudden, the camera gave me E28 error message and refused to turn it on. I changed all the batteries and CF but it was same. It played back the pictures without any problem. After I found this page, I give a few punch to left side of the camera. Then, I turned the camera on. Wow!, the error message went away! What a primitive fix!

-- Japanese camera boy (, November 01, 2004.

A smack especially from the front :) I let it worked seconds ago..

naughty cam, naughty cam !!

-- tax (, November 03, 2004.

Works like a charm! I took an S10 home from work that was going in the bin just to see if I could fix it. I could, with a tap!!! Cheapest camera I ever had! ;)

-- Nik (, November 07, 2004.

Un-B-Lievable!!! Mine works again too. :-)

-- Eric Hanly (, November 20, 2004.

Wow, i can't believe it. One hit of the left side from the camera and he run again. Thanks lot for the inspiration.

cu cdp

-- cdp (, November 27, 2004.

It is the most weird solution, but it WORKS!!

-- Allan (a-dahl(@), December 04, 2004.

Did somebody see the old war movie D-Day? A jeep didn't work... A big shot said "My Grandmother always said, if doesn't work give it a big hit and...." Maybe it is an easter egg from one of the designers :-)))))

-- Otto Oome (, December 04, 2004.

Hahahah!!!! You were all-right!!! It really works, I just wanted to add this comment from the Netherlands, Rotterdam! So happy, first a non-believer, now hitting it like crazy, ha! Thanks! (S20-5years-old)

-- Evelien (, December 09, 2004.

Graet !!!! I didn't belive it, but after 2 hits it worked for my PowerShot S20 too. I think someone should tell Canon to insert the solution to thire guid book :)

-- Guy S (, December 13, 2004.

Ok ... How could I say ?... THANK YOU !!! :) I've a S10 with a light-captor problem and the now-famous E28 error laconic message (that means "250€ repair cost" in Canon language).

1/3 of Google 1/3 of Patience 1/3 of Search Hit it twice gently.


I don't know who find the trick first but I'm ok to kiss his feet to thank him ! ;)

-- Artefax (, December 14, 2004.

Thanks a lot guys, it works: I was going to throw my camera away! How about fixing "Microsoft Windows" problems by hitting my computer? Alf

-- alfonso lolli (, January 05, 2005.

Absolutely f.....g amazing. A quick bounce off my desk and my E28 went away..I also just dowmloaded the latest version of Zoombrowser (5.0) works great with the S10...Happy New Year!!

-- Robert Burbank (, January 06, 2005.

Ho,Ho,Ho, This should be the greatest Santa gift to me ever!!!!!!! Had the same problem with my S20 4 years old Repairs by Canon 150 euro !!!! No thanks,... And the trick : it WORKS !!! Thanks to all,esp.dacconcia !!! Regards,from Belgium

-- Mans Vladi (, January 07, 2005.

My Canon S10 worked great until the dreaded S10 error. I was going to throw it in the trash can until I read this forum. I smacked it and it worked. Now it is time to go smack around some more of my Hi- Tech Equipment. Hooray!!

-- martin lamar (, January 31, 2005.

Thank you, all folks. It was so great idea that it worked instantly. You saved my money !

-- Jun Park (, March 04, 2005.

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