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I live in the Central Texas area. Is there a website where people sell donkeys?
-- paul (primrose@centex.net), October 21, 2001
Are you looking for a miniature, standard or Mammoth? Jenny, jack or gelding?How far are you willing to travel? I can give you some breeder's names.
I'm in south central Texas and the San Antonio newspaper usually has donkeys for sale.
-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), October 21, 2001.
Instead of adding to the already, way to many donkeys/burros, how about adopting some. Here is the addy for the Black Beauty Ranch north of Athens Texas. We got our two young jenny's from them, standards. Adoption fee is 75$, you never own them but adopt them for life, you can raise foals to sell from them but for 75$ and so many of them to adopt out, if you want more just adopt them! A nicer facility you will simply not find, if you live close enough it is a definite place to take the family and visit.http://www.fund.org/ranch/index.asp
-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), October 21, 2001.
How will one burro add to the way too many donkey/burros? If I raise a foal for Black Beauty Ranch, won't i be encouraging them to produce more?
-- paul (primrose@centex.net), October 21, 2001.
No they bring in the wild burros from the Mojave desert. They are no longer protected so they gather them up, bring them to Texas, and find homes for them. As does the BLM. Read the great article on the site! My girls are friendly and sweet, they tamed down quite eaisly and are wonderful with the goats. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), October 22, 2001.
Adopting a Blm horse/burro isn't the answer for everyone. Some folks don't know how, or don't want to take the time, for what it takes to gentle the critters. They can be ruined easily if folks don't know what they're doing. Some want a critter ready to use.I lived in a town where the BLM burros were held until adoption. The feral horses were periodically held there, also. The way these critters are captured is not a pretty sight. I got a three-fer: mama had a youngster by her side and unknown to any of us, mama was pregnant. Sure, they were only $75 (no charge for the baby), but you're gonna put in your time. I rode and drove the burros.
I have a lot of objections to these critters being adopted. If you knew the lay of the land, you'd know that the land these burros/horses are on do not interfere with the other critters in the area.
I checked up on some of the adoptees, and some would be better off in a can of dog food.
They take these desert dwelling horses/burros and send them to areas of the country where there's lush green grass....the worst thing for them. From what I hear, many folks in those areas have sick critters. Not surprising. I'd better quit ~ I'm getting mad.
-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), October 22, 2001.