Central NYS Homestead for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We love our homestead but a major life change is causing us to move. We have lived in this 10.36 acre piece of land for 16 years, we are totally off the grid and have done all gardening totally organic - no chemicals all that time. We have at least 5 acres of meadow which could be tilled (a possibility of 10 extra acres could be available - other family owns it). Also approximately 5 acres of woods with a very nice sugar bush. Have done maple syrup many years, now have sold our equipment but the sap house/work shed is still there. We live in a 20x24 one and one-half store log cabin with a 16 1/2x18 stone addition with large stone fireplace all set for open hearth cooking. The shop/maple house is 16x24. There is also a 10x18 foot greenhouse/potting shed and a two car unfinished garage. We are located on a state highway with wonderful neighbors. This place is a great potential for anyone who wants to do organic market gardening, etc. It is easy access to larger metropolitan areas, about 35 miles from a State University and community college, many cultural assets, about 100 yards from a crossroads of county highways and community church. It is our wish that someone would live here that loves the land as much as we do. Let's talk.
-- Joyce Besemer (joycemb3@juno.com), October 20, 2001
What town, exactly? Also, can you estimate the school/property taxes annually? How far from the main road does the house sit?
-- Cheri Asprion (t.asprion@worldnet.att.net), October 21, 2001.