Stephen Poole...I need another interpretation. : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

You did a good job explaining the last article I'd read on media, air-waves, etc. I'm hoping you can explain this decision by the FCC. Please remember to use small, understandable words. Thanks.

FCC giving away air waves?

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2001


Oh, BTW, SO just bought what I can only describe as a big-ass DVD- capable 55" wide-screen Mitsubishi TV for the frontroom. He'd already purchased a DVD player on his last visit home. So, playing musical chairs yesterday, we moved the 25" [analog?] T.V. into a spare room [now to be renamed the TV/reading room] and will soon move a loveseat in there, as well.

So now I can read the fine print on the TV without glasses, and fall asleep during digital presentations just like I fell asleep during analog ones? Boys and toys. They never seem to outgrow it.

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2001


I concentrate on radio, so I've only heard about this one in passing. Radio has always been the red-headed stepchild in some respects; TV is where the really BIG money is on something like this. Each TV channel could be split into a BUNCH of wireless phone channels, which is why this spectrum is worth so much.

Let me look into this one. If it's as the article describes it, then of course I'm agin' it, plain and simple. The article is right about one thing: the industry has been lukewarm toward HDTV since its introduction. They just don't see the need for it.

In this case, *IF* what these guys say is true (a couple of things in that article didn't quite sound right), a coupla zillion letters to the appropriate Congresscreatures will work wonders. :)

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2001

Thanks, Stephen. Only look into it if you're really interested. I didn't understand enough to even have thoughts on whether I was for or against what was said. I'm still fumbling through the "Digital can accept either digital or analog signals, but analog can only accept analog." It should have been obvious to me from the prefixes used, but it wasn't.

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2001


Checking back in a few weeks later (been real busy this week, that's why I haven't appeared here in the past few days).

I haven't been able to find anything substantive on this. I haven't done a real in-depth search, but I'm not going to let this one slip.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

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