ANTHRAX - Ultraviolet rays can kill it : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

Studies shows ultraviolet rays can kill even anthrax

By David Hebert KENS 5 Eyewitness News

Web Posted : 10/18/2001 6:21 PM

Anthrax has already caused one death. It's prompted thousands of people to undergo testing. It's even managed to send members of Congress away from their offices.

Americans find themselves asking the question just how real is this threat?

A product called Sterilaire uses a technology introduced in the 1930s — ultraviolet rays — to kill everything from mold to tuberculosis and anthrax.

During the process, two ultraviolet lights are placed inside an air conditioning unit and as the air is recycled, the lights kill molds and bacteria, even something as strong as anthrax.

Research has shown that the ultraviolet lights kill anywhere from 85 to 99 percent of the molds and bacteria floating around in the average home.

[Is this as easy as it sounds???]

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

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