operations at old tampa yard in tampa, FL

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

interested in freight operations within the tampa terminal specifially from the yeoman's yard west to the old tampa yard in the late '40's to early '50's era. also interested in the switching ops around the old tampa yard at that time. anyone out there w info on the time when the SAL frt house on whiting st closed. any photos of the area out there?

-- roger wilson (rwilson@trailerbridge.com), October 18, 2001


On these same lines, it would be REALLY nice if the historical society would make track maps, track plans, pics, yard diagrams, etc. Available on this web page. That would be most excellent and would prob. help out enormously many of the people seeking info about the SCL and its predacessors here!!! I was thinking myself about scanning everything I own and putting it up on a webpage (geocities, its free!!) but i have relatively little, other than some timetables. If others here (or the H.S.) did it, it would be a VAST, all encompasing collection, and would really be nice. If the H.S. did it, im sure it would be first rate!

-- troy nolen (kirkwood@gdn.net), October 19, 2001.

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