Where is Gurney's Seed Catalog?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am probably the last person to know this, but what happened to the Gurney Seed Company? I sent them money earlier this year for fall shipping of fruit trees, etc.; am I out my money??? Thanks for any information you might have.
-- Jane in Wisconsin (autumnwindfarm@yahoo.com), October 17, 2001
Yep, unfortunately they are gone! The parent company that owns them, Spring Hill Bulb, Storeys, Fields, and bunch others filed for bankruptcy.
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), October 18, 2001.
Jane, check out the archives. There were some threads on this company and the one that bought them. You can request a catalog for later in the year. Kim :-D
-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), October 18, 2001.
Jane, check out the archives. There were some threads on this company and the one that bought them. You can request a catalog for later in the year. Also here is the web site for Stokes seeds. Stokeseeds I hope I got the link in, but if not go to www.stokeseeds.com. Kim in Indiana :-D
-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), October 18, 2001.
Hi Jane - I received a card in the mail last week that had a phone number you could call if you believe Gurneys or any of the other associated companies owe you money. Unfortunately I threw the card away so I can't give you any more info than that. A web search may help. Good luck.
-- Barb (rosemontfarm1@aol.com), October 18, 2001.
Jane,Unfortunately, Gurney Seed Co. was one of several horticulture enterprises own by Foster & Gallagher Inc. of Peoria, IL when they declared bankruptcy in early July 2001.
Fortunately, in late September, the horticulture division of the former Foster & Gallagher Inc. was purchased out of bankruptcy by Gardens Alive, Inc.
I know they are bringing Stark Bros. Nursery back (see my post in the Orchards archive), but you would have to contact them about Gurney Seed Co. Their contact info is in the Orchards archive.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm sure your money is gone as the executives of the former Foster & Gallagher Inc. raped the company before they bankrupted it.
-- Steve in So. WI (Alpine1@prodigy.net), October 18, 2001.
Thanks for the information. If anyone has the phone number for complaints, I would appreciate having it. Thanks.
-- Jane in Wisconsin (autumnwindfarm@yahoo.com), October 18, 2001.
Well you can add my name to the "sucker list". I place an order with Spring Hill about late July/August for some "blue" iris and I don't know what else. If anyone has any more information, I'd appreciate it. Cheri in NY
-- Cheri Asprion (t.asprion@worldnet.att.net), October 18, 2001.
Jane:It's illegal for them to charge your credit card before they ship. You might double check your statement to see if the charge was ever placed, if you used credit. I'm not sure on the law regarding cashing a check before shipping.
-- Susan (smtroxel@socket.net), October 18, 2001.
Jane, I'm in the same boat you are. I'm afraid our money is gone. I received the card mentioned earlier. The directions on the card said to go to their web site and download creditor claim forms. I did this and the forms were quite confusing (to me at least)all of the boxes to check off involved businesses that they owed money to for services rendered. It didn't say anything about customers who were owed money. I then called and was told that they didn't consider customers creditors. The lady I talked to was quite rude. She didn't seem to think that the money I had sent (almost $50.00) was a large enough sum to even talk about. I'm sorry I can't give you the web address and phone number. After talking to this woman, I got mad and ran the card through the paper shredder. Sorry I didn't have better news for you. I', going to try calling the number on the Gurney's catalog on monday and see if anyone is still answering the phones there. You might want to try doing the same. Good luck.
-- Murray in ME (lkdmfarm@megalink.net), October 20, 2001.
Thanks for the info Murray. I won't bother pursuing this any longer. Like a dummy I sent money in the spring ($50) for fall shipment of grapes and blueberries. Had I just rec'd the merchandize in the spring, I wouldn't be out any money!!!!! I never dreamed they would go out of business. Oh well, live and learn. No big tragedy...we still have our homestead!!
-- Jane in Wisconsin (autumnwindfarm@yahoo.com), October 22, 2001.