climbing partners in wyoming : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm looking to move to Jackson Hole this winter and would like to climb a lot. Does anybody know of groups/orgs/places to find like minded folk? best regards,


-- Jesse Burns (, October 16, 2001


Try "The Great Outdoor Shop" in PINEDALE, WY. (Get number from info or e-mail me and I'll look it up. Just don't have it at my biz office right now.)

They recently outfitted me and a group for a 50 mile hike in the Wind River Range. Knowledgeable, enthusiastic young group.

I loved Jackson, but found it is mostly a tourist town with lots of people just passing through like I did, rather than living there full time to climb...


-- Gene Crippen (, August 26, 2002.

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