storing caladium (Plants) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
does anyone know how to store caladium over the winter? they are in pots. do i hang them up or leave them in the dirt? i pruned off the leaves already. i was going to try and store them in the basement until next spring.
-- j schlicker (, October 16, 2001
Like most tubers. rhizomes and bulbs, I would think they need to be in a dark cool place, without the dirt. I would trim off the anything above the neck.
-- Wendy Antes (, October 16, 2001.
I think they are stored like canna bulbs and glads. Cut off the leaves and leave them out where the bulbs can dry out a bit. Then store them. We store ours in the attic in boxes filled with stryofoam peanuts. You should probably check with your local extension service.
-- Cindy in NY (, October 17, 2001.