Deco Cartoon(s) : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

Hello, Just saw a very old, early Looney Toons cartoon with exquisite art deco "cartoonings" of a typical '20s nightclub. The theme appeared to be "Miss Glory" - some actress or starlet who was visiting the club and a bellhops' fantasy of meeting her in person, or so the songs went. The characters were all waiters and bellhops in restaurant/club scenes and settings. Does anyone out there know about deco cartoons/drawings or anything about this cartoon in particular??? Thanks! -Paula

-- Paula Miller (, October 15, 2001


Hi friends of art deco in the world,

I am a student of a master degreee in tourism in São Paulo - Brazil. I am from Goiânia - Goiás , a city near the capital of Brazil - Brasilia. Goiânia is an art deco city in the centre of Brazil, it was built in 1933. Now I am studing the opportunities of "uses" of the art deco archicheture to the recreation and tourism. I have already done some contacts to Robert McGregor in Napier - New Zealand. He sended me some materials: tour guides, books. Now I am looking other exemples of art deco around the world. If is possible to send me some materials like jornals/magazines/books/tour guides..... they will be very important for my studies. For next vacation I am looking for a summer job in a place that works with tourism/recreation/education and art deco. Or participate of a great event of art deco, like the 6th Congress thet will be happen in Cape town - South Africa in March/2003.. Can you help me? I am finishing a first tour guide of archicheture art deco in Goiânia, with 10 historical buildings in the dowtown. I can present you. Send me some materials you have. It will be very important for me. Return as soon as possible or send me some materials for the address above. Thanks for the opportunities... and sorry my poor english.

Rodrigo Félix de Lima Address: Rua T-62 n° 1466 apart. 1000 Ed. Solar dos Pirineus Setor Bueno - Goiânia - Goiás - Brazil Cep. 74-223-180

-- Rodrigo Félix de Lima (, November 04, 2002.

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