Would like to trade Oro rear wheel for Strada rear wheel.....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I just got a brand new in the box Oro rear wheel. This wheel is Gold in color and is made of magnesium which is extremely light! I need an aluminum Strada wheel and would like to trade for one in perfect condition. You could then paint your front wheel gold or just buy an Oro front and you'd be ahead of the game money-wise. I was thinking of a trade plus some cash for the Strada wheel. The Oro wheel costs a fair amount more than the Strada wheel. I was thinking just a couple hundred dollars. Let me know if you're interested.

-- Gregg DesJardins (gdesjard@brooks.com), October 15, 2001


Dear Gregg,

I am intrested in your oro wheels (front and rear) I have a 00 F4s in JAPAN.

I have a few qustions.

Is your bike oro? Why do you want to trade the oro wheels for stradas? If you have a strada, where did you order your oro wheel? where are you?

ANyways, look for your reply.

Best regards,


-- ken (mvfho@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.

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